Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/207

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Matricaria L.

Matricaria chamoniilla L. Sp. PI. 1,256. — Near Quetta. — Fl. and fr. in Aug.

Senecio L.

Senecio coronolifolius Desf. Ail. II, 273. — Loc. : Harbud, about 55 miles E. of Panjgur, aboufc 3,700 ft. (no. M 310, M 310 A).— El. and fr. in April 1918.

Vem. Name : Zardphul (? Bal.).

Tanacetum L.

Tanacetum fruticulosum Ledeb. Fl. Alt. IV, 58, Ic. t. 38. — Loc. : Zayaki Jangal 27° 54' N, 65° 51' E, about 4,600 ft. (no. M343) ; Spani, 59 miles S. of Kalat, 5,300 ft. (no. 13E) ; Harboi, 18 miles ESE of Kalat, 9,000 ft. (no. 13 B) Kuchkan, about 17 miles WSW of Panjgur, about 2,900 ft. (no. M 136, M136 A).— Fl. and fr. : March 1918.

Uses : Excellent sheep fodder. Camels will eat it, but get little profit. Soaked in cold water makes a decoction ; very good for colds.

Vem. Name : Drana (Bal.), Drani (all Brahuis, especially Noshki), Butau (Brahuis of Kalat), Jir (Br.).

Artemisia L.

Artemisia scoparia Waldst. and Kit. Descr. et Ic. PI. Bar. Hung. I {8802) 66, t. 65.— •Loc: Shambaz Kalat, about 24 miles SSW of Panjgur, about 2,800 ft. (M 176 A) ; Wad, 27° 20' N, 66° 20' E, about 4,000 ft. (no. 1 A); Wahir, about 24 miles S. by W. of Khozdar, about 4,200 ft. (no. 367).— Fr. in Oct. 1917.

Vem. Names : Khisunjir (Br.), Luling (Br.), Jir (Br,), Gwatag (Bal.). Othonnopsis J. & S.

Othonnopsis intermedia Boiss. Fl- Or. Ill, 414. — Loc: Shandadzai, 72 miles S of Kalat, 5,100 ft. (no. 17 B) ; Zayaki Jangal, 27° 54' N, 65° 51' E, about 4,600 ft. (no. M 344) ; Harboi, 9,000 ft. (no. 17).

Uses : The plant is used as a poultice for the chest. The leaves are made into a paste with oil. They are then spread on a large chapati and laid on the head of a man suffering from cold or fever. (Hotson).

Vem. Name : Manguli (Br. , Bal.).

Echinops L.

Echinopsjecbinatus DC. in Wight Contrib. 24. — Loc. : Chhuttok, 90 miles S. of Kalat, 4,509 ft. (no. 174).

Echinops vilosissimus Bge. Syn. in Bull. Acad. Petrop. VI 383. — ■ Loc. : Pishuk, 27° 33' N, 65° 18' E, about 5,300 ft. (no. M 342) ; Panjgur, about 3,100 ft. (no. M 320). Fr. in May 1918.


Cousinia minuta Boiss Fl. Or. Ill, 480. — Loc: One mile NE of Panjgur (no. M 170 A).— Fr, in May 1918.

Vem. Name : Kemar (Bal.).

Cousinia multiloba DC. Prodr. VI, 554. — Loc. : Surab, 28° 25' N, 69° 16' E, about 5,700 ft. (no. M 381).

Centaurea L.

Centaurea calcitrapa L. Sp. PL 1,297. — Loc : Kalat, about 6,350 ft, (no, M 371 B, M 398A) ; Surab, 28 J 29' N, 66° 16' E, about 5,700