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Olea cuspidata Wall. Cat. no. 2817. — Loc. : Ear Kaur, about 185 miles S. by W. of Kalat, up to 4,000 ft. (no. 159A); Kalgali Pass, about 3,400 ft. (M 350) ; Ornach, about 27° 0' N, 66° 10' E.

Uses : These trees are in countless numbers on the Hushtar Rahi Pass, which includes the upper part of the Rar Kaur on the W. or Pelar side and of the Hushtar Rahi Kaur on the E. or Ornach side. I did not notice how low the trees began, probably about 3,000 ft. Those bearing fruit were higher, at the summit of the Pass, nearly 4,000 ft. and on the hills on either side, several hundred feet higher. There are literally tons of berries, and no use is made of them. A few are eaten, but they are not exported, nor is the oil pressed out. Their flavour is pleasant, but scarcely characteristic, sweet at first, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. (Hotson). — Fr. in September 1917.

Vern. Names: Zaitun (Pers. Bal. Br.), Jhak (Bal Br,), Khat (Br.).


Salvadora L. Salvadora persica L. S%). PL (1753) 122. — Loc: Near Manguli, 197 miles SSW of Kalat fno. 236); very common below Gwarjak ; Kaur Dat, 10 miles N of Rekin, about 1,900 ft. (no. M 36B); Hills S. of Chambar (Kolwa), 26° 9' N, 64° 42' E, about l,b00-2,300 ft. (M 86A).— Fl. in April 1918.

Vern. Names : Kabar (Bal. etc.), Toj (Bal.), Kabad. Salvadora oleoides Decne. in Jacq. Voy. Bot. (1844) 140, t. 144. — Loc. : Hills near Ispikan, about 20 miles NE of Mand, about 1,200- 1,500 ft., everywhere the Kabar is yellow with young leaves, (no. M 86).— El. in March 1918.

Vern. Name : Kabar (Bal. Br. Sindhi, etc.).


Rhazya Dene. Rhazya stricta Decne. Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 11, 4, p. 80. — Loc: Zahrenkahur, 16 miles N. of Pasni, about 200 ft. (no. M.37) ; Wahir, 25 miles S. by W. of Khozdar, about 4,200 ft. (no. 155A bis).— El. in Sept. 1917, Feb. 1918.

Vern. Names : Heshar, Eshar (Makrani Bal.), Heshwark, Heshwark (Br.).


Nerium odorum Sol. in Herb. Kero ed. I, 29G. — Loc. : Chuttok, 90 miles S. of Kalat, 4,500 ft. (no. 175) ; Ghulamani Bent, about 21 miles N. of Pasni, about 120 ft. (no. M 50).— Fl. in Feb. 1918, Aug. 1917.

Uses : When eaten fatal to animals.

Vern. Name : Jaur (Bal. Br.)


Hemidemsus B. Br. Hetnidesmus indicus B. Br. in Mem. Wern. I {1811) 57. — Loc : Near Manguli, 197 miles SSW of Kalat, about 2,450 ft. (no. 245). Vern. Name : Wal (Bal. Br.).