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Peeiploca L.

Periploca aphylla Deem, in Jacquem. Voy. Bot. (1844) 109, t. 116. — Loc. : Taloi Sunt, 11 miles N. of Pasni, about 50 ft. (no. M84) ; Rari Dan, 170 miles S. by W. of Kalat, 2,300 ft. (no. 158A) ; Gidard- hor, about 80 miles S. of Kalat, about 4,900 ft. (no. 158) ; E. side of Burida Pass, nearly 140 miles SSW of Kalat, below 4,250 ft. (no. 158 A bis).

Uses : Excellent camel fodder.

Vem. Names : Hum (Br.), Gishtar (Bal.). Glossonema Dene.

Glossonema varians Benth. in Benth. it Hook. f. Gen. PI. II (1876) 743.— Loc. : Khozdar, 27° 48' N, 66° 37' E, about 4,100 ft. (no. 350) ; near Sitani, 59 miles S. of Kalat, 5,300 ft. (no. 126, 129) ; near Ornach, 27° 0' N, 66° 10' E, about 3,000 ft. (no. 143 B) ; Mandi Parak, about 22 miles E. of Chambar (no. M 274) ; Gar Pass, about 23 miles E. by S. of Panjgur, about 4,200 ft. (no. M 274A).— Fl. in Sept. 1917.

Uses : The follicles are cooked and eaten as vegetable.

Vem. Names : Khuromb, Gavaluk, Gavalok (Br.), Kundu (Bal.), Mashana Galau (Br.).

Calotropis R. Br.

Calotropis procera R. Br. in. Ait. Hort. Kew, ed. 2, II {1811) 78. — Loc: Teghab, 107 miles S. of Kalat, 4,150 ft. (no. 189); Las Bela, about 700 ft. (no. 399).— Fl. in Aug. 1917.

Vem. Names : Arakh (Br.), Karg (Bal.). Oxystelma B. Br.

Oxystelma esculentun. R. Br. in Mem. Werti. Soc. I (1811) 40. — Loc. : Gajar, 165 miles SSW of Kalat, 3,450 ft. (no. 230) ; Korak (Pelar), 180 miles S. by W. of Kalat, about 1,900 ft. (no. 230B).— Fl. in Sept. 1917. Fr. in Sept. 1917.

Vem. Name : Wal (Bal. Br.).

Oxystelma Alpini Dene, in DC. Prodr. VIII, 543. — Loc. : Korak (Pelar) 180 miles S. by W. of Kalat, 1,900 ft. (no. 230 A).— Fl. in Sepc 1917.

Vem. Name : Wal (Bal. Br.).

Pentatropis R. Br.

Pentatropis cynanchoides R. Br. in Salt Voy. Abyss. (187.4) App. 64. — Loc. : Near Kuldan (W. Kolwa) about 85 miles E. by N. of Turbat, about 2,400 ft. (no. M232) ; Hills S. of Chambar (Kolwa), 26° 9' N, 64° 42' E, about 1800—2,200 ft. (no. M232A).— Fl. in April 1918.

Uses : The leaves are soaked in hot milk, then the liquid is gently pressed out and used as a wash for sore eyes.

Vem. Name : Aichk (Bal. Br.).

Daemia R. Br.

Daemia cordata R. &r. in Mem. Wem. Soc. 1 (1809) 50. — Loc. : Below Bhani, 131 miles SSW of Kalat, nearly 4,000 ft. (no. 208) ; Hodal Pass (N. side), 80 miles S. of Panjgur 2,200—2.900 ft. (no. M223); South Parpuki Kaur, 17 miles S. by W. of Panjgur, about 3,400 ft.