Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/212

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(no. M198); Hills S. of Chambar (Kolwa), 26° 9' N, 64° 42' E, about 1,800—2,200 ft. (no. M263) : Barit Pass, between Pirandar and Nun- bara, about 2,000 ft. (no. 266). — Fl. and fr. in April and March 1918.

Uses : The juice is said to be harmful to the skin. I did not observe this. (Hotson).

Vern. Names : Xohi Wal (Bal.), Wal (Br.), Shiter (Bal.).

Cynanchum L.

Cynanchum Arnottianum Wight Contrib. 58. — Loc. : Bizhban Chah (Gichk) about 40 miles E. of Panjgur, about 3,775 ft. (no. M316) ; Surab, 43 miles S. of Kalat, 5,750 ft. (no. 102) : Surab, about 28° 29' N, 66° 16' E, about 5,700—5,900 ft., by the sides of irrigation channels (no. M373A) ; Benn Chah, 21 miles N. of Surab, about 6,200 ft. (no. M373A bis).— Fl. from April to July 1918, in August 1917. Fr. in June 1918.

Uses : The leaves are dried in the shade, not in the sun, and ground to powder : they are then applied to wounds on animals in which there are maggots, and the maggots die. (Hotson).

Vern. Names : Jauri kani, Kuri (Br.), Bhankalink (Bal.).

Cynanchum acutum L. Sp. PI. 212. — Loc. : Panjgur, about 3,100 ft. (no. M232B) ; below Bhani, 131 miles SSW of Kalat, nearly 4,000 ft. (no. 207) ; Gajar, 165 miles SSW of Kalat, 3,459 ft. (no. 229) — Fl. in August and September 1917.

Vern. Names: Wal (Br. and Bal.), Aichk (Bal.), Auishk (Br.), Ushkunpan (Br.), Shangrati (Jangli).

Pergularia L.

Pergularia pallida Wight ( f- Am. in Wight Contrib. {1834) 42 — Loc. : Rar Kaur, about 165 miles S. by W. of Kalat, about 2,600 ft. and higher to near summit, nearly 4,000 ft. (no. 292A) ; on March 47 to 12 miles N. of Las Bela, 3,500 ft. to 1.C00 ft. (no 397) ; a clim- ber, generally on Tamarisk. — Fl. in Sept. and Oct. 1917. Fr. in Oct. 1917.

Vern. Name : Manja Wali (Bal.). .

Leptadenia R. Br.

Leptadenia Spartiuua Wight Contrib. (1834) 48. — Loc.: Kalgali Kaur, 28° 2' N, 65° 52' E, about 5,350 ft. (no. M351) ; growing among rocks. — Fl. in June 1918.

Vern. Name : Ritachk, Lapar (Br.).

Boucerosia Wight & Am.

Boucerosia Aucheriana Dene. In DC. Prodr. VIII, 649. — Loc. : Near Gajar, 165 miles SSW of Kalat, 3,450 ft. (no. 231) ; Gwambuk about 50 miles S. by E of Panjgur. about 2,700 ft. (no. M30) ; Manguli, 26° 45' N, 65° 21' E, about 2,600 ft. (no. M30A, M30B).

It has an astringent taste ; is eaten raw as a medicine for all sorts of complaints, or cooked as a vegetable. (Hotson).

Vern. Name : Marmot (Br.).

(To be continued)