Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/514

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the appearance of Scilla indica, Boerhaavia diffusa, and Evolvulus alsinoides in flower. On July 7th, vegetation was in profuse growth. In addition Kyllinga triceps was in flower in the uncultivated part, and an enormous number of Lochnera pusilla in the cultivated strip. On July 21, Gyanotis tuber osa and Gommelina Forskalcei were a marked feature of the area, and among the grasses'. Tripogon Boxburghianus was in flower, marking with its brown colour the poorer spots. The larger and coarser grasses seemed to be about to flower, and Andropogon monlicola had shown some inflorescences. Striga densiflora was visible on August 8, in flower. Gyanotis fascieulata flowered on August 19 particularly on the poor and rocky spots, and on the same date Andropogon contort us, the main spear-grass, began to flower all over the area. On August 21, Striga lutea and Lagasea mollis flowered, and later in the month Leucas longi/olius, Pulicaria Wightiana, and Andropogon pertusus. In September Tripogon Boxburghianus was drying up, but Hcliotr opium merifolium and Zornia diphylla were in flow6r, along with Alysicarpus species, and Indigo/era species. The Evolvulus alsinoides was not less prominent. Later appeared Lepidagathis cristata, Apluda varia, Heylandia latebrosa, Panicum Havidum. and Andropogon triticeus. Tripogon Boxburghianus was, on October 21, putting out new growth on account of the late rains. On this date also Thelepogon elegans was in flower, and Anthistiria ciliata and Andropogon pumilas were also flowering.

The above very rough list will give some idea of the facies of the vegetation at various times of the season. It will be noted that there are three kinds of plants. (1) shortlived vernal plants like Scilla ; (%) late season plants like Heylandia ; and (3) plants of the whole season like Evolvulus.

The Quadrats.

Quadrat 1 is on poor soil. Before the rains broke it had on it mats of an unknown grass in a dry condition. These never sprouted, but appear to be of Andropogon contortus. On the break of the rains a sparse vegetation broke out all over the quadrat. One plant of Evol- vulus alsinoides took possession of a central position, and gradually spread its arms over the greater part of the square. The early grass of the quadrat was Tripogon Boxburghianus, and the late one Andro- pogogon contortus. A few plants of Oropetium Thommim, a minute and exceedingly xerophytic grass, were also found. This quadrat was twice nearly dried out.

Quadrat 2 is situated on a spot much lower down with more water and soil- The difference in vegetation is striking. The early grasses were Cynodon dactylon and Setaria glauca. Later appeared,