Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/515

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Panicum ramosum, Eleusine agyptiaca, Tripogon Jacquemoyitii Anthistiria ciliata. and Panicum colonum. There was no Andropogon contortus. The grass was up to three feet high.

Quadrat 3 is the most xerophytic of all. It is situated partly on sheer rock. The early rains brought out Kyllinga triceps and a plant of Ghlorophytum tuberosum. Oropetium Thomacum was present, and later a mass of Gyanotis fasciculata. Gracilea Boyleana was also seen.

Quadrat 4 is situated at the base of the slope down from the last quadrat. Tripogon Boxburghianus is absent. The early vegetation consisted of Panicum ramosum, P. javanicum, and Gracilea Boyleana. Later appeared Eleusine aegyptiaca. Paspalum sanguinale, Aristida redacta, A. funiculata, Setaria glauca. Manisuris granular is, Spor- obolus diandra, Eragrostis tenella, Andropogon pumilus, Indigofera cordifolia, Zornia diphylla, Commelina Forskalaci, Celosia argentia, Phaseolus trilobus. Spermacoce stricta, Striga species arid Pulicaria Wightiana. Here we have a very varied assortment of plants.

Quadrat 5 is situated on a low-lying but well-drained part repre- senting a Boerhaavia society. This plant was in flower throughout the season. The other species found were Gracilea Boyleana, Zornia diphylla, Eleusine cegyptiaca, Tridax procumbens and Striga densiflora. In September Andropogon contortus was dominant in this quadrat.

Quadrat No. G was taken in a distinctly hygrophy tic spot in a low- lying place where water stood for a time after heavy rain. It con- tained large tufts of grass which did not flower till late when they proved to be Andropogon caricosus, var. mollicomus (dominant), A. annulatus (dominant) and A. contortus. Previous to this, in July, there had been in flower Polygala chinensis, and Alysicarpus tetra- gonolobus. Acacia arabica seedlings were visible on the plot in the early part of the rains, but with two exceptions disappeared later, being probably drowned out.

Outside Quadrats.

Quadrat X 1. This plot was chosen outside the fenced area on ground as similar as possible to that where Quadrat 1 is sited. From the start it showed a very even vegetation, consisting of grass seed- lings and Eoolvulus alsinoides. The grass turned out to be Andropo- gon contortus and remained stunted. Indigofera linifolia later occupied a fair part of the quadrat. Cattle wandered over this quadrat. We were never present when actual feeding took place on it, and there were no tooth marks visible on the grass blades. It was, however, almost certainly grazed at some period.

Quadrat X 2 was chosen on a piece of land approximating in nature and conditions to that of Quadrat 2. It was in a low-lying area