Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/539

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Haloxylon recurvum Bunge. — Figs. 285, 286. Leaves semi- terate. Epidermal cells with outer walls papillose. Stomata de- pressed. Aqueous tissue subepidermal and central. Palisade tissue continuous on the upper surface and broken by aqueous cells on the lower. A bundle-sheath like layer below palisade tissue and bringing into contact the assimilatory and vascular system. Veins peripheral and central and surrounded by small-celled parenchyma. Oxalate of lime in the form clustered crystals in the subepidermal and central aqueous tissue. T. S. of the axis circular. Assimilatory tissue in the axis of palisade cells. Pericycle of thin groups of stone- cells. Peripheral bundles traversing the central aqueous tissue and the central bundles embedded in interfascicular wood prosenchyma. Pith of thick-walled cells.

Haloxylon salicornicum Bunge.— Fig. 288. Epidermis of thin-walled tabular cells. Stomata depressed. Aqueous tissue subepi- dermal and central. Palisade cells forming a continuous ring. Cluster- ed crystals in the form of a layer in subepidermal aqueous cells and also scattered in the central aqueous tissue of the leaf and axis. Bundle-sheath-like layer below palisade tissue and bringing into contact assimilatory and vascular tissues. Pericycle of stone-cell groups and isobilateral. Peripheral vascular bundles traversing the central aqueous tissue and the central vascular bundles embedded in interfascicular wood prosenchyma. Pith of thin-walled cells.

(To be continued)