Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/540

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Plate XXV.

244. Solarium incanum. T. S- of the axis.

Oc. 6 Com. ; Ob. 8 mm. Ap.

245. Anticharis linearis. T. S. of the axis.

Oc. 4 Com. ; Ob. 8 mm. Ap. 246-247. Schweinfurthia sphaero car pa.

246. T. S. of the leaf showing epidermis and hairs.

Oc. 4 Com. ; Ob. 3 mm. Ap.

247. T. S. of the axis.

Oc. 6 Com. ; Ob. 8 mm. Ap. 248-250. Blepharis sindica.

248. T. S. of the leaf showing epidermis and a stoma.

Oc. 6 Com. ; Ob. 3 mm. Ap.

249. Hair on the leaf.

Oc. 6 Com. ; Ob. 3 mm. Ap,

250. T. S. of the axis.

Oc. 6 Com ; Ob. 8 mm- Ap. 251- Ruellia patida- T- S. of the axis. Oc 6 Com- ; Ob- 8 mm. Ap.

252-257. Barleria hochstetteri.

252. T. S. of the leaf showing cystolith-like structures in epidermal cells-

Oc- 6 Com. ; Ob 8 mm- Ap.

253. Glandular hair on the leaf. Oc. 6 Com. ; Ob. 8 mm. Ap.

254- T- S- of the leaf showing a hair. Oc 6 Com. ; Ob. 8 mm. Ap. 255. T- S- of the axis showing hairs and cystolith-like structures in epidermal cells* Oc- 6 Com- J Ob. S mm. Ap-

~k- I Hair on the axis.

Oc. 4 Com. ; Ob. 8 mm. Ap-

258-259- Justicia simplex. 258. T- S- of the leaf.

Oc- 6 Com. ; Ob- 8 mm. Ap- 259- T. S. of the axis.

Oc- 4 Com. ; Ob. 8 mm. Ap.

N.B.—To get the original dimensions multiply by 17.