Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/624

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Pterobryopsis Walked.— (Broth) Broth.

Castle Rock, (5521.) On exposed rock, Guddahalli Hill, Karwar (6387). The latter a form with the leaves longly cuspidate. Both sterile. Among some plants from Mahableshwar, one, No. 4716, was in fruit. Brotherus describes the perichaetial bracts as " integerrimae." They are abruptly contracted from a broad, sheathing base to a long, rigid, loriform subula ; this is entire, but the shoulder of the basal part is often coarse and irregularly toothed, though not always so. I find the same to be the case with the Mysore plant, leg. Bretandean, det. Brotherus (Herb.Levier No. 44).

Pterobryopsis Maxwelli.— Cord. & Dixon.

Rocks in stream, Sampkhand (6433, 6434) ; trees on exposed hill summit, Guddahalli, Karwar (6388) ; twigs in very wet evergreen, Gair- soppa Falls (6466) c. fr.; trees, Caste Rock (5516, 5518, 5519) c. fr; trees, Anmod, (3310, 3311, 5376).

Barbella rufifolia.— (Thw. & Mitt.) Broth.

Hanging from trees, Siddhapur (6488). A bright green form with scarcely any of the reddish colour of the normal form ; but I find no structural difference.

Neckeropsis andamana.— (C. M.) Fleisch.

On sapling, Siddhapur (6484).

Pinnatella calcuttensis (C. M.) Fleisch.

Numerous gatherings of this were made, mostly sterile, but here and there fruiting.

Pinnatella limbata. — Dixon sp. nov. (§Urocladium). (fig. 8)

Rupicola ; perrobusta ; caulis primarius repens, nudus, rigidus, caulis secundarius elongatus, ad 4-5 cm. longus, irregulariter, saepe dense pinnatim ramosus, ramis crassis, nee compressis, flexuosis, densi- foliis, obtusis ; folia patentia concava, sicca et plicata et irregulariter rugulosa, haud crispato-incurva 2. 5-3mm. longa, basi late ovata, nee deltoidea (l. 5 mm. lata) late oblongo-lingulata, apice late acutato, irregulariter denticulato ; costa sat valida, longe infra apicem soluta, Cellulae superiores parvae, rhomboideae, latitudine variabili, saepe sigmatoideae, parietibus firmis ; laevibus ; marginem versus saepius seriebus nonnullis Iongiores, lineares, marginales ipsae seriebus circa duabus bistratosae, breviores rhomboideae, chlorophyllosae, limbum angnstum, incrassatum e basi ad apicem instruentes. Cellulae basi- lares sensim Iongiores, linearea, flexuosae, ad angulos paucae latiores, subrotundae. parietibus incrassatis, sinuosis. Cetera ignota.

Hab. Rocks in stream, Sampkhand (6437).