Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/625

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Probably the most robust species of the genus ; resembling P. Gollani in habit but quite different in structure,

Limbella marginata CM., and L. sikkimensis Een. and Card, appear to me to belong here and not to Neckeropsis ; they have some resemblance to the present species, but they differ in the flattened branches, the less robust habit, and in the thickened border of the leaves being formed of elongate cells, longer than the interior ones, while here the marginal cells are markedly shorter and chlorophyllose.


Symphyodon Perrottetii Mont., forma myuroclada.

Trees, Anmod (3263). On bole of Galophyllum, Sampkhand (6442). Also gathered at Mahableshwar (4750, 4761). A very pecu- liar form, with long parallel branches, which are slender and julaceous, of a dark reddish brown or olive green colour. It is so unlike the ordinary form that I should hesitate to place it here were it not that some plants appear to intergrade with the typical form, and I can find no structural differences. Fruit would no doubt decide the position, but all the specimens are sterile ; the species in fact I think is rarely found in fruit.

Entodon plicatus C. M. On trees, Anmod (3308). Trees, Lingmalla, 4000 ft. (4664) ; both c. fr.

Trachyphyllum inflexum (Harv.) Gepp. On bole of coco- nut palm in irrigated spice gardens, Shiggaon (3484). On bark of tree Konankeri (3518).

New to South India. Capt. Potior de la Varde in Kev. bryol., 1920, p. 20, records it from Cambodge.

Distrib. Nepal, Sikkim, and the greater part of the Malay Penin- sula.

Stereophyllum anceps (Bry. jav) Broth. Bark of Ixora, Konankeri (3507). Also collected on trees, Mahableshwar, in 1917 (4759). Both sterile. Hitherto known only from Java. Sedgwick's plant agrees quite well with a specimen in Hampe's herbarium, misit Lacoste.


Collicostella papillata (Mont.) Jaeg. f. purpurascens.

On stone in stream, Sampkhand (6439). A very pretty form, all the leaves being tinged with a deep purple red colour. No fruit was seen.

Lepidopilum rhaphidostegium (CM.) Broth. Twigs of tree in very wet evergreen, Gairsoppa Falls (6464) c. fr. : A very interest-