Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/626

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ing discovery, as the plant has hitherto been recorded only from an unlocalized habitat in Java, and from Celebes (Herb. Lacoste). I have not been able to compare it with either of the original specimens, but it agrees quite well with Fleischer's description, and with the figures in the Bry, jav., &c.


Thuidium trachypodum (Mitt.) Bry. jav. Stones in stream, in dense evergreen Guddahalli Hill, Karwar (6400) st. On stone in stream, Jog (6470)c. fr. Both of these represent an extremely small, densely caespitose, rather rigid form. The fruit however agrees quite well with T. trachypodum. T. spar si folium (Mitt.) is much like it, but apart from the almost smooth seta is larger, with slightly less obtuse, leaves. Does T. Brotheri Salm, differ from T. sparsifolium ? I cannot detect any difference, (apart from the doubtful question of infloresc- ence).


Ctenidium stereodontoides Dixon sp. nov. (fig. 9).

Late dense intricate caespitosum, molle, juventute laete-virens, nitescens, aetate rufo-fuscescens. Caules prostrati, intertexti, flexuosi, irregular iter, — hie illic dense — pinnati, ramis inaequalibus, flexuosis, apice subfalcatis, penicillatis, paullo compressis. Folia confertiuscula, undique patentia vel leniter falcato-deatrva, hand squarrosa, sicca valde flexuosa ; leniter plicata, oblongo-lanceolata vel anguste ovato- lanceolata, apice valde angustato, subpiliformi, subfalcato, plus minus- ve argute denticulato ; costa plerumque subnulla, marginibus planis, usque ad basin fere plus minusve denticulatis. Folia ramea similia, paullo minus anguste acuminata, apice argutius denticulata ; cellulae peranguste lineares, echlorophyllosae, dorso haud prominentes, basin wevsuparum latiores, paullo breviores, ad angulos perpaucae isodiame- tricae, parvae, 1-2 ad alas extremas majores, quadratae, hyalinae.

Dioicum. Flores ? juniores solum visi.

Hab. On stones in stream, Sampkhand (6145).

Distinct from the other Asiatic species in the habit, which with the falcate-decurved leaves is rather markedly Stereontoid ; in the posi- tion of the leaves and their outline, very little widened at base. It is perhaps most like C. pulychaete (Bry. jav.) ; but that has leaves more ovate below, and deeply cordate at base, which is not at all the case here.

Ectropothecium compressifolium (Mitt.) Jaeg. Rocks by a small waterfall, N. Kanara forests, 1400 ft. alt., rainfall 150 in. (6450) st.