Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/627

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This differs from the usual Himalayan plant in having the cells rather narrower and more opaque, and distinctly spiculose at back ; there they are either smooth or very slightly spiculose. As the species has not been recorded from Southern India it might be thought that the difference should warrant its being separated specifically or sub- specifically. But I have received a plant from the New York Bot. Garden ex herb. Mitten " Ectropothecium rotatum Mitt. MS. ; Koond, in rup, rorant., No. 55, Griffith," which must be referred to E. covipressi folium, but agrres with Sedgwick's plant in areolation entirely. I have not been able to locate " Koond," but it is clearly in northern India, and therefore connects No. 6460 and the type of E. compressifolium admirably.

Taxithelium nepalense fHarv.) Jaeg. (Syn. T. turgidellum (CM.) Par. Hypnum turgidellum CM. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. vol. V, p. 87 (1884).

Guddahalli, Karwar (6402). On stones in stream, Sampkhand (6451). Stones, Anmod, (3422) ; trees, Anmod (3264). All c. fr.

The last two numbers represent a very fine form ; robust, with leaves much less distinctly papillose than in the usual forms ; 3422 however is somewhat nearer the type ; and other plants of T. nepalense which I have examined show so much variation than I do not think it can be given varietal rank.

T, turgidellum (CM.) is intermediate between No. 3264 and the type, and is quite inseparable from T. nepalense.

Vesicularia Levied Card. MS. in Herb. Sp. nov. (fig. 10).

Sat robust um Caules usque ad 8cm. longi, subregulariter, confer- tiuscule pinnati, ramis fig. 1 cm. long is velpaidlo ultra ; folia conferta complanata, sicca leniter contracta. subdecurvata, majuscula 1. 5mm. longa, dorsalia et ventralia ovato-lanceolata., acuminata, subfalcata, lateralia late ovata, breviter nee anguste acuminata, apicem versus denticulata, costis binis brevissimis; cellulae laxae, foliis lateralibus 14-17 /a latae (4-5 X I), parietibus firmis.

Eructus haud visus.

Hab. Ins. Andaman merid, ; Port Blair, leg. E, H. Man 1893, [Ectropothecium reticulatum in Herb. Levier, no. 5138). Dharwar District, N. Kanara (7279), leg. Sedgwick.

Near to V. retictdata (Doz. & Molk.) but more robust, and with leaves decidedly less longly and finely acuminate, less toothed above, and cells rather narrower and firmer.

Man's plant was distributed as Ectropothecium reticulatum by Levier, Bryoth. exot., No. 90.

The other Indian species are distinguished at once by either their smaller size, more acuminate lateral leaves, or much wider cells.