Page:The Labor Laws of Soviet Russia (1920).pdf/26

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Note. This rule does not apply to the resignation of a wage earner employed by an individual, if the work is of the character mentioned in subdivisions "b" and "c" of Section 6.

52. If the organ of workers' self-government (works or other committee) after investigating the reasons for the resignation finds the same unjustified the wage earner must remain at work, but may appeal from the decision of the committee to the proper trade union.

53. A wage earner who quits work contrary to the decision of the Committee made pursuant to Section 52, shall forfeit for one week the right to register with the Department of Labor Distribution.

54. Institutions and persons employing paid labor shall, whenever a wage earner quits work, inform thereof the Local Department of Labor Distribution and the trade union of which the wage earner is a member, stating the date and the reason thereof.