Page:The Labor Laws of Soviet Russia (1920).pdf/25

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46. The discharge of wage earners from an enterprise, establishment or institution where they have been employed is permissible in the following cases:

(a) In case of complete or partial liquidation of the enterprise, establishment or institution, or of cancellation of specific orders or work;

(b) In case of suspension of work for more than a month;

(c) Upon the expiration of the term of employment or the completion of the job, if the work was of a temporary character;

(d) In case of evident unfitness for work, by special decision of the management and subject to agreement with the respective trade unions;

(e) By request of the wage earner.

47. The management of the enterprise, establishment or institution where a wage earner is employed, or the person for whom a wage earner is working must give the wage earner two weeks' notice of the proposed discharge, for the reasons stated in subdivisions "a", "b" and "d" of section 46, notifying simultaneously the local Department of Labor Distribution.

48. A wage earner discharged for the reasons stated in subdivisions "a", "b" and "d" of Section 46 shall be considered unemployed and entered as such on the lists of the Department of Labor Distribution and shall continue to perform his work until the expiration of the term of two weeks mentioned in the preceding section.

49. The order to discharge an employee for the reasons stated in subdivisions "a", "b" and "d" of Section 46 may be appealed from by the interested persons to the Local Department of Labor.

50. The decision of the Local Department of Labor in the matter of discharge may be appealed from by either party to the District Department of Labor, whose decision on the question in dispute is final and not subject to further appeal.

51. Discharge by request of the wage earner from an enterprise, establishment or institution must be preceded by an examination of the reasons for the resignation by the respective organ of workmen's self-government (works and other committees).