Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/101

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8s H I R PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE FOURTH, Balden ^Edinburgh, the VI. T>ay of October, The Zeir of God, Jfte thmfmd.foure bm- dreth , foure-fcoir aucht zeires: And of his Reigne the firft zeir. i. Of Burr owes repledgeand their Nichtboures fra the Jufice. T Is ftatute and ordained anent the article belangand the Burrowes, in the time of the Juftice aires , quhilkis hes bene repledged fra the Juftice , he fittand in the principal Burgh of the Schire , into their freedomes -. Throw the quhilk repledging , juftice hes not bene done upon the inhabi- tants of the faid Burrowes in time by-gane : Therefore in time to- cum it fall be leiffull to the Kingis Juftice , he fittand in the principal Burgh of the Royaltie, upon the mater of the aire, to give ane affife to all inhabitants within utheris Burrowes of their awin Nichtboures , that beft knawis the veritie , gif they be prefent. And gif fa mony bee not prefent , that may be fufficient number: That it fall beleiffulitohimtochoofeaneaffifeof die faid Head-burgh, or to eik the number , as he thinkis maift expedient % for the gude of Juftice, and without prejudice of the freedomes of the faid Burrowes. x. That a fine penny of gold, and ane t/ther of fiver befiricken , Of the Wardens of the cuinzie. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Lord , and his three Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, that a fine penny of gold be ftrickeu , to be of weicht and fines to the ifo/?-Noble , and ane penny of filver to be equal to the auld Englijh gtoate ." and ten of them to make ane ounce of filver , and to have courfe and gang for fourteene pennies. And that there fall be ane halfe groate of the famin. And the faid penny of gold to have paffage and gang for threttic of the faids groates. And ane uther penny of gold to have courfe and gang for twentie of the faidis groates of die famin prent. And the dirid penny of gold to have paffage for ten of the faidis groates of the famin prent. And due faidis pennies of Gold and filver to have fik prent and circumfcription , as fall be advifed be the Kingis Hienefle. And all uther money to be equally conformed diereto. And our Soveraine Lord fall limit ane cuinziour thereto , as _Alexander Levingsloun , and a wife and leill man, that hes knawledge in the money, to be warden thereof : That is to fay , James of Creichtoun, of RucJovendaun , for the fpace of a zeir , to examine and affay the fines of the faid gold and fiiver, after the forme and rule maid in the Parliament of before : The faidis Wardene and cuinzioures havand fikiike fee for their laboures , as they had in die time of our Soveraine Lordis Progenitoures , and fiklike pro- fites to cum to the Kingis Hienefle of the faid cuinzie: And as for the in- bringing of Bulzieon, the mer- chandes fall for the gud of the Realme , bring of ilk Serplaith of Wooll , ilk lafte of Salmonde, ilk foure hun r dreth claith, four ounce of brunt filver , of ilk lafte of hides fex ounce , ilk lafte of Herring , twa ounce. And fiklike of all uther gudes that payis cuftome to the King. And die merchandes thereof fall bring in Bulzieon effeirand thereto. Andattour, the merchandes that bringishame the faid Bulzieon, quhilkis P & fall