Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/102

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8x KING JAMES THE F O V RT H fall be of the fines forefaid , fall have of the faid cuinzie , and to be payed be the Wardene , twelve fhillinges for ilk ounce. And the faid Wardene fall furnilh the cuinziour of bulzieon , and the irons to be put in keip- in<r, and to receive it , that is cuinzied to the changeour thereof, and pay the merchandes for the faid Bul- zieon , and to take ane aflay of Gold and Silver that fall be cuinzied, as is forefaid , to be keiped and examined zeirly at the Checker , and there to be maid compt of fa mony ounces, as is cuinzied in the zeir, baith of gold and filver. And the Cuftomers at their compts making , to be charged with fa mony ounces , and utheris gudes, as is abone written in the famin forme. And to be difcharged of fa farre , as they deliver to the faid Warden and cuinzieoures. And that all merchandes that beis foundin culpable in the breaking of this ftatute, fall pay to our Soveraine Lorde , the double availe of the faid ounces of Bulzieon , according to the Serplaith and gudes abone written. And that all uther money , gold and fiiver fall have courfe to the availe, as it is now. 3. That fchippes cum to free Burr owes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that in time to cum all maner of Schippes, flrangers and uthers cum to the Kingis free Burrowes , fik as T)umbartane, Irving, Wigtown, Kirk-cudbricht , Renfrew , and utheris free Burrowes of the Realme , and there make their Merchandice. And that the faidis flrangers bye na filh, bot faked and barrelled, nor bye nane uther merchandice, bot at free Burrowes , and there pay their dewties and cuftomes , and take their cocquet as eifeiris. And that they m ake na merchandice at Lowes nor uther places , bot at free Burrowes , as faid is. And that nane of our Soveraine Lordis Lieges take Schippes to fraught, under colour to defraud our Soveraine Lord nor h is Lieges , under the paine of tinfei of their lives and gudes , and that na flrangers do in the contrair , under the paine of tinfei and confifcation of their Schip and gudes to our Soveraine Lordis ufe. 4. OfCkrkes that pnrchafis benefices contrair the Kingis prefentation. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that for-fameikle as it was ftatute and ordained be the Parliament in our Soveraine Lordis Anteceflbures times of maift Noble minde : That quhatfumever Clerk his liege pur- chafed ony benefice at the Court oiRome, of the quhilk the prefentation perteined to his Hienefie , the fege vacand , be richt and priviledge of his Crowne : That they that attempts, accepts, or purchafis ony fik bene- fices , or committis the crime of hurt-majeftie againft his Hienefie , that the paines conteined in the adt of Parliament , that is to fay , profcription, rebellion and treafon be execute upon them. And now it is feene ex- pedient be the three Eftaites of the Realme, and ftatute and ordained,that quhat time it be declared be the beft and worthiefl Clerkes of the Realme, before the Lordes of Councel , that ony perfon or perfones be grace ac- ceptis , or purchaffis ony benefice , perteining to our Soveraine Lordis prefentation , the fege vacand , in the Court oiRome, or within the Realme : or ties purchafed or perfewed the famin, fen the laft ftatute maid thereupon! hat after the declaration be maid beClerkes before die Lordes ofCounceftheChancellar fall make the paines conteined in the faid acl:es of Parliament to be put to execution upon the breakers of the faidis a6tes, les nor they leave the faid benefices , after they be required thereupon : And their letters of declaration to be given in name of our Soveraine Lord and his three Eftaites. And that the Ordinaries difpone upon their nther benefices, for the inhabilitie of their perfones. And gif ony perfones Spirituall or Temporal wauld mainteine, fupply, or defend the faidis Clerkes, breakers of our Soveraine Lordis aftes of Parliament, after that it be declared his Patronage, as faid is, theybeand required, and will not defift fra the fupplying of the faidis Clerkes : That there fall be letters given in likewife upon them , declaring them to haue fain in the famin paines , conteined in the a&esof Parliament , as faid is. 5-. The revocation maid at Scont. ITEM, Anent the Proclamation maid at Scone-. It is ftatute and ordained , that all alienations of landes, heritages, lang-tackes,few-fermes, offices, tailzies, blanch-fermes , creations of new dignities, granted to ony perfones, quhat eftaite, degree, or condition that ever they be of , fenthefecond day of/^mzr laft by-paft, be umquhile our Soveraine Lordis Father , quhom God aflbilzie , quhilk micht be prejudicial to our Soveraine Lord , and his Crowne , that now is, be called & annulled , and to be of na force norefiecT: in times to cum : Becaufe that fik alienations, gifts and priviledges were granted, fen the faid time , for the afliftance to the perverfed counfel, that were contrair the commoun gude of the Realme, and caufe of the flauchter of our Soveraine Lordis Father, and divers uthers his Barronnes and lieges. 6 . That the aires be not hurt be theirpredecejfoures. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, anent the aires of all Lordes, Barronnes, and uther landed-men, that were with our Soveraine Lord that now is, in the field of Strivling , againft the perverfed Councel in the misguiding of umquhile his Father, quhom God aflbilzie, and the commoun gude of the Realme, that na hurt nor prejudice be done to them be ony of their predecefioures , in alienation or skaidiofthe heritages.