Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/103

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SECONZ) "PARLIAMENT. XV. of Februar. 1489. 83 heritages , that they fuld fucceede to , fen the time of the faid fielde , or in ony time to cum : And gif ony alienation be maid in prejudice of the faid aire , that it be of na ftrength , force nor effect in time to cum. And decernis and declaris the famin of nane availe , gif there be ony done. FINIS. THE SECOND PARLIAMENT OF KING JAMES THE FOURTH, Halden the fifteenth day of Februar , the zeir of God , ane thou/and, four hundreth, auchtie nine zeires. 7. Of 'the free dome ofhalie Kirke. N The firft, for the honour of God, libertieandfreedome ofhalie Kirk, and Kirk- men: It is ftatute and ordained, that all priviledges, freedomes, and immunities of the famin be obferved and keiped in time to cum , like as they have bene in the time of our Soveraine Lords Father, and for-beares of maift Noble minde, with this addi- _ tion : That the takers and intrometters of the lands , teinds obligations, proffites or gUP' dewties ofhalie Kirk, without tacke or afledation of the Perfon, Vicar, or their ferm- < orares, be called, and that to be a poynt of dittay in time to cum. 8. Of univerfal concord amangft his Lieges. ITEM, As touching the love , amitie and friendfhippe to be maid amongft all our Soveraine Lords lieges and his Councel : It is thought expedient be the three Eflaites , that our Soveraine Lord and his Councell fall put his authoritie, be the advife of his faid Councell , to make all perfones and parties to be at friendihip and concord, and quhat perfon or perfones that refufis, in his default , to heare ane reafonable and honor- able concorde of his partie : That the Kingis Juftice put iharpe Juftice on the partie , quhilkis ar obftinate, throw die quhilk the Kingis Hienes may caufe them to be in heartie amitie, friendihip, and quiet with the pu- nition, according to the Lawes of the Realme. 9 . For in-bringing of the taxation and wi-doing of the Kingis difcharge of ony fart thereof ITEM, Anent the expedition of the haiftie in-bringing and getting of the taxt granted in the Parliament, for the expenfes of ane honorable Embafladour that fuld pafle for our Soveraine Lordis mariage , anent the part being in the hands of the Clergie : It is thought expedient, that the Prelates now being in this towne, fuld make a way with the Thefaurar, and fchaw him how the faid taxt fuld be payed for the part of the faid Clergie, or ony of them depart offdiis Towne. And forthetaxtofBarronnes and Temporal perfones, that fuld be raffed and taken of die Schireffes and Baillies,and uther officiars of the Kingis : It is advifed be the faid Lordes, that the faidis Schireffes and Baillies, and uthers Officiares , being fo oft-times charged be the Kingis letters, and ar now called to be here, that therefore they be now charged be Offi ciares of the Kingis , to be before the Chancellar , and Lordes of Councell , on Friday that nixt cummis, in George Robiefones Innes , to mak full compt and payment of the faid taxt : And in likevvife, that all Schireffes, Proveflcs, and Baillies of Burrowes, and all uther officiares quhilks come not here, nor is prefent : That letters incontinent be written to them, chargeing them to raife , in-bring, and pay the faid taxt to ane fchort day , or els that they be charged to enter their perfones in warde within the Caftel oiBlacknejfe widiin fifteene dayes, gif they faiizie of them-bringing and paying of die faid taxt, under the paines of Rebellion and putting of them to the home , conhTcation and efcheitting of all their proper gudes to the Kingis ufe. And becaufe the Lordes underftandis , that there is fome parte of letters granted be the King to Spiritual Lordes and Prelates, and als to Temporal Lordes, and to Barronnes , of difcharge of part of the faid taxt , the quhilk die faids Lordes confidders and underftands , the King micht not difcharge , fen it was granted be the faid Eftaites to the faid Embafladour , and for die caufe foreiaid : 1 herefore the faidis letters of difcharge to be na defaifance to them. And that na fik letters have ftrengdi, force, noreffecl:. And that letter? of difcharge be maid under the privie feale , and fend to the Ordinaries and Schireffes thereupon. P 1 10. Of