Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/104

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8 4 KING JAMES THE FOVRTH lo. Of the Khigis Revocation and in-bringing of his proper tie of his fervandes fees. ITEM, Touching the Article of the Kingis propertie , for the honorable fuftentation and halding of his houfe, according to his eftaite and honour, quhilk may not be failzied, without great derogation of his Noble Eftaite : It is considered be the faidis Lordes of Articles , that fen all the Lorcles Spiritual and Tempo- ral , and utheris his true lieges , fuld abone all Angular and particular profke , defire to prefer the Noble Eftaite of his excellence , like as it was done in the time of his maift Noble Progenitoures of gud mindc : Herefore it is thought expediente, neidfull and reafonable , and als ftatute and ordained in tliis prefent Par- liament , That full derogation, caflation, and annullation be maid of all giftes, donations , infeftments', few, fermes, fees, life-rentes, given be his Hienelle to quhatfumever perfon or perfones, fen the day of his Corona- tion: Swa that all landes, rentes, cuftomes, burrow -mailles, fermes, martes, mutton, pultrie, auarage, car- riage, and uther dewties, that were in the handes of his Progenitoures and Father, quhome God aflbilzie , the day of his deceafe: Notwithftanding quhatfumever affignation or gift be maid thereupon under the great feale, privie feale , or uthers, be alluterly called and annulled : Swa that the haill profites and rentes thereof, may cum to our Soveraine Lord, to the honorable fuftentation of his houfe and Noble Eftaite, as faid is : And quhair there is ony fees or dewties to be given to OfBciares, Wardens , and utheris fik-like , as had fee in his Fathers and Grandfchirs times , that the famin fees be payed to them in money , be the handes of the Re- ceivers, and Comptrollers. And that they take na dewties of the Kingis proper landes for na affignation maid to them . And that all their landes, rentes, fermes abone written, remaine with die King in this kinde, quhill his age of tvventie ane zeir , notwithftanding ony gifts maid of befoir in the contrair. 1 1 . For keipng of the dayes of tr ewes. AN D As tuitching the obfervation and keiping 'of the trewes taken with the King ofENGLAND, It is thoucht profitable be the faidis Lordes of the Articles , that our Soveraine Lord caufe his wardens and Lieu-tennents, that they obferve and keepe dayes of trewes , als oft as it is neidfull, for the obfervation of die faid trewes, induring the time of the famin : Swa that his Hienes and lieges have fik-like obferved to them for the part of ENGLAND. And that the wardens hald their courtis , and puniih trefpaflburs , for the gude of die cuntrie , and flanching of fik trefpailbures. IX. Of the Kingis Councell, and pajfmg of fignatoitres . AND For the mair fickernes , fure fupportation , and acceleration of Juftice , it is advifed and feene fpeidfull, that the faid Councell now chofen in this prefent Parliament, be fworne in die Kingis prefence and his three Eftaites , to give his Hienes a trew and afaldcounfel in all maters concerning his Majeftie and hisRealme. And fall remaine of his Councell , quhill the time of the nixt Parliament. And to be refponfa! and accufabil to the King and his Eftaites of their counfel. And our Soveraine Lord hes humbled his Hienes to promit and grant in Parliament to abide and remaine at their counfels , quhill the nixt Parliament , as faid is. And till efchew all circumventiones and deceites , diat lies bene done to the Kings Hienes be bringing of divers fignatoures of infeftments , donationes , giftes , conducles , and remiffiones , and uther fik letters hurtand and tuitchand the King in his cafualitie or propertie : For die fecluding of the famin, his Hienefle hes granted and confented be authoritie of this prefent Parliament : That na fik giftes, fignatoures, remiffiones, refpettes, conduces, and utheris letters fall pane in time to cum, without advife and confent of the Lordes of the faid fecreite Councell. And all fik letters to be fubferived be the King , and fa mony of the faid Councell, as fall be prefent for the time , to the number of fex perfones at the feweft , fittand togidder in Councell , the Chancellar beand ane. And gif ony fik letters be given without their confents in utherwaies , That the faidis letters be of nane availe , force, nor effecl:, and to have ha ftrength. And that the Chancellar , Privie feale, andSecretar, anfwere to nane uther letters , bot fik as beis fubferived , as faid is, with the faid Lordes of Councell. And in likewife the King to be ruled and governed be their Counfelles in the difpofitions and giving of his Treafure, filver vefchel, cheinzies, jowelles, and uther abuilziements , perteining to his maift Noble perfon, And this maner of doing to be keiped and obferved, quhill the time of the nixt Parliament. 1 3 . Of Gold-fmithes. AS Touching the article of Gold-fmithes, quhilkis layis and makis fals mixture of evil mettel.corruptand the fine mettelofgold and filver in the deceipt of our Soveraine Lord and his lieges, that garris make and worke gold and filver , for the reformation and efchewing of the famin : It is now advifed and concluded, that na Gold-fmith fall make mixture , nor put fals layis in the faid mettelles. And to have knawiedge of the fines of their warke , that ilk Gold-fmith have ane fpecial marke , figne and taiken, to be put in his faid warke, quhilk he makis. And thay famin warkes to be of fines of the new warkes of filver of Bruges. And diat there be ane Deakon of the Craft of Gold-fmithes , quhilk fall examine the faid wark and fines thereof, and fee that it be als gude as the faid wark of Bruges. And thereafter the famin Deakon to put his marke and figne on the faid wark, and to anfwer thereupon , upon his life and gudes. And as touching the warke of gold,