Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/105

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SECONT> "PARLIAMENT. XV. of Februar. 1489. 8^ gold, that it be maid als fine , as it is firil molten in prefence of the awner , like as the touch and aflaie given to him, quhen it is firft molten. And na war to be delivered in prefence of the Deakon : Swa that the Kingis lieges be not deceived , and that it keipe the faid fines , asfaidis. 1 4. t_Anent the falling of Merchands : Of Bulzieon. ANENT the adte of failing of Merchandes , quhilk lies bene maid of before , and that the famin a&e be now in time to cum obferved and keiped be the Merchandes , and in likewife anent the inbringing of Bulzieon, that the a6le maid thereupon be given and keiped in fcharpe execution. And that the Auditoures of the Checker , and all uthers in time to cum take compt of the in-bringing of Bulzieon , fen the time of our i^overaine Lorde , like as at mair length is conteined in uther aftes maid there-upon. And that the faid compt be taken after the quantitie of the gudes , diat is cumming hame. And anent the failing of the faid Merch- andes, that the Proveft , Aldermen, and Baillies of Burrowes make diligent fearching and feeking of die faillers in Winter, fra AlhaUow-mes , till Candil-mes , and make the paines to be raifed on the breakers there- of to the King, under the paine often pound to be raifed of the Officiares , thatbeis negligent not punifhand in their default. 15-. s^Anent cruves and fijhzalres: Ofthemid-jlreame: The SettcrdaiesyZ^ : Creilles and nettes : Read fijh. ITEM, Anent cruves and fiihzaires , quhilkis deftroyis the fry of filli , and hurtis the commoun profits; oftheRealme: It is ordained , that theaftes andftatutes maid ofbefoir, be obferved and keiped with this addition : That letters be written to all Schirffes , Baillies and Stewardes , to deftroy , caft downe, and put away all die cruves within their bounds incontinent widiout delay. And that dittay be tane upon them , that hes cruves in the contrair the faid afte. And to pay for ilk cruve five pound for amerciament in the Juftice aire , to be raifed on die maker and up-halder of the famin. And in likewife the Schireffe that failzies, to be in amerciament of twentie pound to die King in die Juftice aire, and to be a poynt of dittay, as faid is. And anent the cruves that ftandis in frefh waters , that they Hand not in forbidden time. And let the mid-ftreame be alway free , be die fpace of five fute. And that the Setterdaies flop be obferved and keiped, as the acle and ftatute maid be King T>avid requiris. And that ilk heck of the faid cruves be five inche wide , according to die famin ftatute. And as for millers , that fettis creilles and nettes in dammes^ milne-landes , and waters, deftroy and read fifh , andfryoffllh, asfaidis, fall be a poynt of dittay. And the paine baidi of caufer of creilles, nettes, and of the millers , ilk ane of them that dois in the contrair , to incur the unlaw of read filh , and to be taken of diem that dois in the contrair. And that letters be written, as faid is , to the Schireffes , Stewardes . and Baillies , to put this aft to execution , and fee that the famin be obferved and keiped, under the paine of twentie pound, to be raifed upon the the officiares that failzies, as faid is. And as touching the flauchter of read filh , that it be puniilied after the forme of the ftatute , dc- clairand the unlaw thereof, ten pound. 16. t_Anent the free tennentes , that haldis of the 'Duke ^Rothefay and Ste- ward 'of 'Scotland, ITEM, Anent the free tennentes , that haldis of the Prince , the Duke of Rothefay and Steward of 'Scot- land: The Lordes of the articles thinks it reafonable , that all thay free tennentes fall be halden to com- peir and anfwere in die Parliament and juftice aires , with their fuites and prefentes , as effeires , ay , and quhill our Soveraine Lorde have ane Sonne , thatfuldbe immediate betwixt the King and them, to anfwere for them in the faid Parliament and juftce aires : And fuit-rolles to be maid thereupon , quhilk fall indure,- quhill die Prince be borne. 17. Of the money. ITEM, Anent the article of the money : It is thocht expedient be the Lords of the Articles, that there be ane trew fubftantious man , maifter of the cuinzie , quhilk fall forge money , and cuinzie to ferve the Kingis lieges. And that cuinzie fall be in this manner, that is for to fay, a groate till have courfe and gang for fourteene pennies, and ten of them to wey ane ounce , and to be of the famin fines , astheEDWARDE groate of England, and that the faid cuinzieour fall give & pay for the ounce of brunt filver, eleven fliillinges, fex pennies, to be given, and for Paris filver, and the filver warke of i?r#<^s fiklike. And as for the lilver warke of this Realme , quhilk is brocht to the cuinzie , that is not fa fine, the faid cuinzieour fall give and de- liver therefore the verry availe to the awner of the faid filver. And fa-meikle as it is war then Paris warke, or filver warke o{ Bruges, to be defaulked and rebaited of the price of the faide filver. And gif the faid cuinzieour and the feller of the faid warke cannot agrie of the price , that there fall be twa trewe gold-fmiths , fwornbe their great aiths to fee and examine the faid filver warke, and the valour thereof, and to declare quhat it is woortli ilke ounce : Of the quhilk modification and price,baith the cuinzieour, awner & feller of the faid filver, fall ftand content. And to have knawledge diat the faid cuinzie be keiped in weicht and fines with the faid P 3 EDWARD