Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/106

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8?"""" KING JAMES THE FOVRTH EDWARD groate, this faid cuinzieour fall have a figne and taiken maidintheprenting, haveand diffe- rence fra the firfl cunzie. And gif ony of the new groates be foundin war in weicht and fines , nor the EDWARD groate, the cuinzieour to be punifhed therefore, and tine his life and glides. And that to be examined and feene at the nixt Parliament , and fooner gif it pleafis the King. And becaufe it is meaned to O U R SOVERAINE LORDE , that his gold and filver cunzied in his Realme , is be ignorant per- fones refined , quhen the faid gold or fdver lies cracke or flaw , or be folded: It is ordained, that the faid cold and filver fall be received be all his lieges : Sa that it keip all die wecht , and be gude trevv metteJ , fup- pofe it be with cracke or flaw , or folded, as faid is, in all times to cum, I 1 8 , Ofundooing of Caupes in Galloway. T E M , Becaufe it was meaned and complained be our Soveraine Lordis lieges dvvelland in the boundes of h. Galloway , that certaine Gentlemen, heads of kin in Galloway hes ufed to take Caupes,of the quhilk tacke there, and exadion thereof , our SOVERAINE LORD, and his three Eftaites knew na perfite nor reafon- able caufe , for the quhilk his Hienes be advife of the iaft Parliament , affigned,, warned and charged all the perfones that claimed or alleaged to take , raife, or intromet with ony iik action of Caupes, to cum to the nixt Parliament, and there oftend and fchaw quhat richt they have to the taking of the famin. And novve in this prefent Parliament, the faidis perfones making the faid claimes , hes bene oft time's in called for the of- tenfion and fchawing of their richt, as faid is, andnane lies compeired nor fchawin na richt, nor title of richtes , to raife and take the faid Caupes. Herefore owr Soveraine Lord , willing and being of intention, to feclude and put away all fik abufiones , evill ufe and extorfiones put on his people and lieges , but reafon- able caufe. Be authoritie of his Parliament lies ordained to be abufed , and left the taking of the faid Caupes in all times to cum : And na man to take them of the Kingis lieges , under the paine to be punifhed as for riefe , and ay in time to cum to be a poynt of dittay to the Juftice aire, 19. Of Caupes in Carricl. TEM, As touching die Caupes in Carritt , the Kingis Hieneffe and his Eftaites forefaidis , thinkisex- _ pedient and concludis , that all they quhilkis claimes Caupes , be warned be open Proclamation to com- peir in die nixt Parliament , bringand with them fik evidents and richtes , as thy will ufe for the taking of the. faid Caupes , with certification and diey do not , that our Soveraine Lorde, with advife of his three Eftaites will annull all fik thing , and will ordaine all fik Caupes to be not taken in. time to cum. I to. 7he procejfe of recovering of annual-rentes. ALSWA It is thocht expedient be the Lordes of the Articles and Eftaites, after the information and fupplication maid be the Proved , Baillies, Councell and Communitie of Verth , defiring of our Sove- raine Lord, that the conftiaition and rule of the faid Burgh be conformed to the Kingis Lawes and confue- tude of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and lawe of Burgh, anent the recuperation and obteining of annual-rentes in Burgh , in default of folution , and payment of the annualles audit to the Lords, awners and proprietares of die faid annualles : It is thocht expedient, that the Proces of the recovering of the faid annual at the Fourth Court , be obferved and keiped in the Burgh oiTerth, and uthers Burrowes in time to cum, as it is ufed in the Burgh o{ Edinburgh, according to the Law of Burgh, notwithstanding ony uther ufe or confuetude, that they have had in the faid Burgh of lang proces and delay in times by-paft. 2,1. The tennents of the Kingis proper tie fetid not be troubled. ITEM, Becaufe it is underftandin to the Lordes of the articles , the heavy complaints that hes oft times bene maid to the King and his Councell be his puir tennents , maillers , and inhabitants, his proper landes in divers partes of his Realme , that they ar greatly hurte and oppreffed be Lordes and Gentle-men in the cuntrie dwelling befide them, quhilkis lies na tack of our Soveraine Lord of thay landes, conftreinzies , and compellis them to do fervice, avarage, canage, fcheiring , leading , labouring , ryding and travelling be their powers and authorities : And for remeid hereof, It is now ftatute and ordained , that na Lord, Barronne, Free-halder, Gentle-man, nor uthers compell, ony of the Kingis tennents, maillers, and inhabitants of his proper landes , to do them ony maner of fervice be coadion , or dread , under the paine to be punifhed as op- preflbures of the Kingis lieges. And to be a poynt of dittaie in the Juftice aire. 21. Our Soveraine Lordis revocation. ITEM, It is thocht expedient , becaufe there was ane ftatute maid in our Soveraine Lordis Parliament, that was halden at Edinburgh on Wednef-day, the auchtdaie oi^OcJober, thezeirof GOD, anethou- land, foure hundreth , fourefcoir audit zeires , declairand all alienations of landes , heritages , lang-tackes, few-fermes, offices, tailzies, blanch-ferme landes maid of warde, to be of nane availe , after the fecond day of Februar (quhilk was die day of our Soveraine Lords, that now is dimming furth of Striviling) unto the coronation