Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/107

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THRIT> PARLIAMENT. XVIII. ofCHay. i 49 i. coronation of our Soverain, that now is , maid beourSOVERAINELORDIS Father that now is of gudemind, tobeofnaforcenoreffea:, for certaine caufes conteined in the faida&e and flatute- That therefore all they , quhilkis gatte pretended giftes of alienations of heritages, lang-tackes, few-fermes, offices tailzies, blanch-ferme landes, fulde bring their letters and evidentes granted hereupon to our Soveraine Lord! within fourtiedaiestobedeflroyed, certifying them that bringis not, the King will make them to be fpe- ciallie called , andpunimedfortheirinobedience. N I THE T H R I D P A R L I A M E N T O F KING JAMES THE FOURTH, [Halden the auchtenth day ofMaij , the zeir of God, ane thmfandfoure hundreth, ninetie ane zelres. zj. The alliance and confederation 0/" France to be confirmed. T is ordained and concluded , that the alliance and confederation maid of before ofauld and new, betwixt the Realmes of Scotland and France, the Kingis and Princes of the famin , be the advife , conclufion , and deliverance of the three Eflaites be renewed , reformed , and interpreted in forme of the auld alliance, and confederation maid betuixt them and their Realmes and Lieges of befoir. And at- ■ tour , to obteine and procure uthers new franchedes and priviledges , to the ho- noure and proflte of our Soveraine Lord , his Realme and lieges , and to the gude j of Merchandes , that our Soveraine Lordis lieges ufand thay partes , have fik free- dome within the Realme of France, and boundes of the famin , like as the French' men lies within our Soveraine Lordis Realme and boundes. And quhair the famin priviledges and frecdomes arnot, norhes not bene obferved nor keiped in times bygane, to require refor- mation of the famin , according to the forme of the faid alliance. And commiflions to be maid in dew forme thereupon. 14. The forme of the Chancellarie Jiild not be altered. ITEM, It is flatute and ordained , that na brieves nor uthers letters be given to napartie, bot after the forme of the brieves of theChancellarie ufed in all times of before. And that the forme of the Chancellarie be keiped and obferved without innovation or eiking of new termes. And gif onie beis given uthcrwaies, that they be of na force nor effect , except the brieve of fummondes of errour. z 5- . The Wwdatar fall not deflroy the Landes : hejuldfiifleine the minor. ITEM, It is flatute and ordained, that quhair onie Land or landes hapenis to fall in Waird to our Sove- raine Lord , oronieuther Barronne of this Realme , Spirituall or Temporal, or landes given in conjuncV feftment, or life-rent alfweill to Burgh as to land , that the Schireffe of the Schire or Baillies fall take fiHike foveritie of the perfon or perfones , that gettis or hes fik wairdes , that they fall not waifl nor deflroy their bigginges, Orchards, Woodes, flanks, parks, medowes, ordovvcates, bot that they hald them in fik-like kinde , as they are in the time, that he gettis and receivis the famin , he tak-and his reafonabill fuflentation or ufing in neidful thinges without deflrudtion or waiflin gthereof And ane reafonabill living tobegiventothefuflentation of the air, after the quantitie of the heritage, gif the faid air hes na blanche ferme, nor few-ferme land to fufleine him on , alfweil of the wairdlands , that fallis in our Soveraine Lords hands, as onie uther Barronne , Spiritual, or Temporal. z6. Of landes falland inwaird or utherwaies altered , that the tennentes fall remaine therewith, aahillthe nixt Whit-fundaie. T E M , It is flatute and ordained , that quhen onie lands fallis in waird or quhen onie Ladie havand terce orconjuncWeftment, happenis to deceis, or quhat land be redeemed or lowfed be reverfion , gift, felling, or I