Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/156

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I3<5 KING JAMES THE FIFTH Realme, quhair Schippes arfrauchted, make fearchoures to fearch and feeke all Schippes , andquhairony Talloun beis fchipped , or brocht to the Schippes , to be caryed foorth oFthe Realme , to efcheit the famin : That is to fay , that ane halfe be to their awin ufe that apprehendis the Talloun, and the uther halfe to O U R SOVERAINE LORD IS ufe. And that the Cuftomers make compt here-upon zeirlie in the Checker: Andals, that they advertife OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Thefaurar of the perfones awners of fik Talloun efcheited, fwa that he may in-bring the remanent of their moveable gudes, to OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS ufe , for their contemption : And in likewife , that na maner of man, flefcheour, nor uthers, to Burgh nor to land, take upon hand, torinde, melt, nor barrel talloun , under the paine of tinfell of all their gudes. 114. Of them that counterfaiffis tie Kingis money. TTEM, For-fameikle as diverfe wicked , eviladvifedperfones, feinzies and couuterfaictis our Soveraine J_ Lordis money, quhilk may returne to the greate damnage of this Realme, without remeid bee provided therefore in time: Therefore it is flatute and ordained , that ail Proveftes , Alder-men, Baillies, and Offi- ciates of Burrowes, fearch and feeke upon all mercat daies , and uther times necefTar , all perfones that can be aopiehended , havand faife money, or counterfaiftis the Kingis irons for cuinzie : And bring or fend them to our Soveraine Lordis Juftice, to be juftified for their demerites , after the forme of the Lawes of die Realme, maid upon faife cuinzieoures. 115-. He that takis places ofBiJboppes and Abbotts , after their deceaje, committis treafbn. SWA Intheflrft, for the honour of God, and halie Kirk, our Soveraine Lorde, with advife of the three E- ftaites , ordainis that the freedomes, priviledges, and immunities of halie Kirk , and all Spiritual perfones* be obferved and keiped in honour, worfhip and dignitie, for the time of our Soveraine Lord , that now is * like as lies bene in the time of his maift Noble Progenitours of gude minde, quhome God affbilzie, of before , with this addition : That for-fameikle as quhen Prelates , fik as Bifhopprickes or Abbacies , happenfs to vaik, the nomination thereof , perteinis to our Soveraine Lord , and the provifion of the famin, to the Taipe: Never- thelefle, evil difpofed perfones in troublous times, lies put handes, and taken Bifhoppes Caftelles, Palices, and Fortalices, at their awin hand, be their awin authoritie , and but our Soveraine Lordis command , confent , or letters, at times quhen Bilhoppricks vaiks and uthers : and in likewife, enters in Abbaies and takis them , and puttis the fame in keiping in fecular mennis handes, but confent, command, or letters of the Kingis Grace, and als but commande, advife, or defire of the Conventes of fik Abbaies, in hie difpleafure of GOD Almichtie/ and in hie contemption of our Soveraine Lordis authoritie , quhair-throw the Kirk and Kirk-men ar heaviely hurte and damnaged : Therefore it is flatute and ordained in this prefent Parliament , that quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , in ony time to cum , takis ony Bifhoppes Places , Caftelles , or ftrengthes , or enters be their awin authoritie in Abbaies, to halde diay places, but our Soveraine Lordis commande, letters or charges, or defire of the Convents thereof, at times quhen fik Bifhopprickes or Abbaies vaikes, or ony uther time, they not vaikand , but the Kingis authoritie , they fall incurre die crime of treafon and lefe-majeftie , and fall be called therefore at the Kingis pleafure, upon their fore-falt our, and to tine their lives, landes, heritages, and gudes moveable, and un-moveable, honour , and offices, becaufe the Kingis Grace is halden and boundin , to defend the Halie Kirk , and Kirk-men , in their juft actiones, ix6. Officiares ofarmes may be deprived be the Thefaurer. TH E Lordes ordainis, that becaufe the Kingis Officiares , quhen they ar charged be the Thefaurer to do fervice to the Kingis Grace in his earandes , alleagis that they have na Horfe nor their wages not furHcient , quhair-throw diverfe maters concerning the commoun weill of the Realme , ar poftponed : That therefore the faid Thefaurer fall have power to take the amies fra ony of our Soveraine Lordis Officiares, under Herauldes , that refufis to paffe fik earandes, as hee layis to their charge , in the Kingis name, in time to-cum. 1X7. The Clerke ofRegifter havand the Kingis licence, fkldcanfe imprent the afles ofTarliament. OU R Soveraine Lord lies ordained, that the acles of Parliament maid be his Hienefle , be publifhed out- throw all the Realme. And that all Schireffes, Stewardes, Baillies, Proveftes and Baillies of Burrowes and uthers his Lieges , may have the copyes thereof, and pretend na ignorance , throw mif-knawing of the famin; Hes ordained his Clerke of Regifter , to make ane audientik extract and copy , of all the faidis afts, fa far as concernis the commoun weill , under his fubfeription manual, to beimprented, bequhatPrenterit fall pleafe the faid Clerke ofRegifter to chufe : And it fall not be leafum to ony uther Prenter to imprent the famin within this Realme, or without the famin, or bring hame to bee faulde , for the fpace of fex zeires nixt to- cum, under the paine of conflfcation of the famin : Providing alwaies that the faid Prenter to be chofen be the faid Clerk ol Regifter, as faid is, have our faid Soveraine Lordis fpecial licence thereto. F I N I .5. ' THE