Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/157

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Halden at Edinburgh, the XIII. day of March, the zeir of God, ane thouſand, five hundreth, fourtie and twa zeires: Be JAMES Earle of ARRANE, Lord HAMMILTOUN, Tutour and Goveruour to her, the Realme and Lieges.

1.Paſſing of ſignatoures throw the ſeales, after the Kingis deceaſe.

THE Lord Goveruour, with adviſe of the three Eſlaites of Parliament; ririfies and apprievis the acte maid at Edinburgh, the auchteenth day of Januar, laſt by-pait, touching the paſſing of all ſignatoures, concerning inſeftmentes throw the feales: And ſik-like of reſpectes, remiſſiones, and uthers, as is conteined in the ſaide acte, and after the forme and tenoure of-the fame: And prorogatis the terme conteined in the ſaid acle , for raiſing of the ſaids ſeales: ſik-like all ſummoundes to be raiſed under the quarter ſeale, quhill the firſt day of Auguſt nixt-to-cum. Of the quhilk acte, the tenour followis: AT Edinburgh the auchteenth day of Januar, the zeir of God, ane thouſand, five hundreth, fourtie twa zeires: The quhilk day it is thoucht neceſſar and expedient, be the Lords of Councell, at the command oi the ſaide Lord Governour, for the commoun weill, and weill of ſindrie Lordes, Barronnes, and Landed-men, and uthers our Soveraine Ladies Lieges, quha obteined before the deceaſe ol our Soveraine Lord, quhom God aſſoilzie, ſignatoures of new infeſtmentes of their landes be reſignation, alienation, confirmation, and als remiſſiones, and maid compoſitiones therefore, with conſent and adviſe of the Theſaurer, and was ſubſcrived be our ſaid umquhile Soveraine Lord, and his Theſaurer, quhilkis as zit ar not paſt the ſeales: Quhairfore the ſaidis Lordes ordainis and ſtatutis, that all newe infeſtmentes and ſignatoures foreſaidis, ſall paſſe orderly throw all our ſaide umquhile Soveraine Lordes Seales, and to be of als greate ſtrength, valour and effect, as and they had bene raiſed afore his Grace deceaſe. And albeit the great Seale, and privie ſeale ar now changed, and diverſe precepts were direct of before, That is to ſay, to David, Cardinal of Saint-Andrewes, keiper of the privie Seale, and fra the ſaid privie Scale, direct to Gawin, Arch-Biſhoppe of Glaſgow, Chancellar for the time: That the ſaidis precepts be anſwered be the keipers of the ſaidis ſeales, and they to be of als great ſtrength, valour, and effect, as they were direct to John, Abbot of Paſlay, now keiper of the privie ſeale: And to the ſaide David, Cardinal of Saint-Andrewes, now

Chancellar and keiper of the great Seale: And als ordainis, that all precepts of ſaiſirige els raiſed, upon infeſtmentes, granted be umquhile our ſaid Soveraine Lorde, that ar elſe paſt: the great ſeale, and ſik-like that ar to be paſt upon the ſignatoures and precepts foreſaidis, ſall be ſufficient, and of als great valoure, ſtrength, and effect, for giving and taking of the ſaidis ſaiſinges (notwithſtanding our ſaid umquhile Soveraine Lordis deceaſe) as they had bene put to execution, and ſaiſing taken thereupon, afore his Grace deceaſe: And that letters bee direct throw all the Realme, to publiſhe this conſtitution, and to
