Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/20

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38. How meikle gudes ane Merchand sayling suld have.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that na Merchand of the Realme passe over the Sea in merchandice, bot he have of his awin proper gudes, or at the least committed till his awin governance, three serplaithes of Wooll, or the value of them in uther Merchandice, quhilk sall be kend or he passe, be an inquest of his nichtboures, under the paine of ten pound to the King.

39. Ilke Craft suld have ane Deakon.

ITEM, It is ordained, that in ilke Towne of the Realme, of ilk findrie craft used therein, be chosen a wise man of that craft, and be the laise of diat craft, and be consent of the Officiar of the Towne; the quhilk sall be halden Deakon or Maister-man over the laise for the time, to govenie and assay all warkes, that beis maid, before the Craftes-men of that craft: Swa that the Kingis Lieges be not defrauded and skaithed in time to cum, as they have bene in time by-gane, throw untrew men of Craftes.

40. The Custome of Woollen clalth, of Salmound and English gudes.

ITEM, It is ordained, that of ilk poundes woorth of woollen Claith had out of the Realme, the King sall have of the out-haver for Custome twa shillinges. And of ilk poundes woorth of Salmound bocht be strangers, and had out of the Realme, threttie pennies. And of ilke poundes woorth of English gudes, brocht ih the Realme, threttie pennies.

41. Anent men quha suld labour the land.

ITEM, It is ordained that ilk man of simple estaire, that suld be of reason labourers, have outher halfe ane Oxe in the pleuch, or else delve ilk day seven fute of length, and seven on breadth, under the paine of ane Oxe to the King.

42. The age, marke, and paine of Beggers.

ITEM, It is ordained that na Thigger be thoiled to begge, nouther to Burgh nor land, betuixt fourteene and threescoir and ten zeires, but they be seene be the Councel of the Commounes of the Countrie, that they may not win their living utherwaies. And they that sa beis founden have a certaine takinne to Landwart of the Schireffes, and in Burrowes of Alder-men and Baillies, and that under the paine of burning on the cheik, and banishing off the Countrie. And that in everie Burgh outthrow the Realme, the Chalmerlaine fall inquire in his aire zeiriie, gif the Alder-men and Baillies, hes keeped the act, and the forme of the statute. And gif they have broken it, they sall be in fiftie shillings to the King. ITEM, The Schireffes failzieing of the keeping of the said act, to be punished in likewise.

43. Leesing-makers tinis life and gudes.

ITEM, It is ordained be the King and the haill Parliament, that all Leesing-makers and tellers of them, quhilk may ingender discorde betuixt the King and his people, quhair ever they may be gotten, sall be challenged be them, that power lies, and tine life and gudes to the King.

44. Of Weapon-schawinges.

ITEM, It is ordained, that in ilk Schireffedome of the Realme, be maid Weapon-schawinges foure times in the zeir.

45. Anent complaintes to be decided before the Judge ordinar.

ITEM, As anent billes of complaint, quhilkis may not be determined be the Parliament, for diverse causes belanging the commoun profite of the Realme: It is ordained that the Billes of complaint be execute and determined be the judges and Officiares of the Courtes, quhom to they perteine of Law, outher justice, Chalmerlane, Shireffes, Baillies of Burrowes, Barronnies, or uther Spiritual judges, gif it effeiris to them. To the quhilkis judges all and sindrie, the King sall give strait commandement, alsweil within Regalities, as out-with, under all paine and charge diat may follow, that alsweil to pure as to rich, but fraude or guile, they doe full law and Justice. And gif there bee onie pure creature, for faulte of cunning, or expenses, that cannot, nor may not follow his cause, the King for the love of GOD, sall ordaine the Judge, before quhom the cause suld be determined: to pur-wey and get a leill and a wise Advocate, to follow sik pure creatures causes. And gif sik causes be obteined, the wranger fall assyith baith the partie skaithed, and the Advocatis coastes and travel. And gif the Judge refusis to do the Law eavenlie, as is before said, the partie compleinand, sall have recourse to the King, quha sall see rigorouslie punished sik Judges, that it sall be exemple till all uthers.

46. Anent