Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/21

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THRID PARLIAMENT. XI. of March. 1425.

46. Anent remissions to be given, and assyithment of partie.

ITEM, It is ordained be the Parliament, that quhair the King gives remissiones till onie man, with condition to asssyith the partie skaithed and compleinand: That consideration be had of the Hie-land men, the quhilk is before the Kingis hame cummins, commounlie rest and slew ilk ane utheris; of the quhilkis there may not be maid full assythment till utheris, bot in the Law-landes, quhair the skaithes done may be kend, and the trespassoures to be of pouer to make ane mendis of all or of part: That there be chosen gude men & leill, sworne thereto, to modifie amendis after the qualitie and quantitie of the person, and of the skaithes, gif the parties cannot concorde be themselves; of the quhilkis modificationes, baith the parties sall hald them content.



Halden at Perth the Elleventh of Marche: The zeir of God, ane thousand, foure hundreth, twentie five zeires: And of his Kinrik the twentie zeir.

47. Anent harnes to be brocht hame be Merchandes.

ITEM, It is ordained be the King and the Parliament, that all Merchands of the Realm, passand over Sea for Merchandice, bring hame, as he maie gudly thoile, after the quantity of his merchandice, harnes and Armoures, with Speares, Schaftes, Bowes and Staves. And that be done be ilk ane of them als oft, as it happenis them to psse over Sea in Merchandice

48. That all the Kingis Lieges live and be governed be the Lawes of the Realme.

ITEM. It is ordained be the King, be consent and deliverance of the three Estaires, that all and sindrie the Kingis Lieges of the Realme live and be governed under the Kingis Lawes & statutes of the Realme allanerlie: and under na particular Lawes, nor special Priviledge, nor be na Lawes of uther Countries nor Realmes.

49. For the balding of money within the Realme.

ITEM, It is ordained, for the halding of the money within the Realme, that na man have out of the Realme gold nor silver, bot he pay fourty pennies of ilk pound to the King for custome, under the pain of tinsel of all gold and silver, that beis founden with him, and ten poundes to the King for the unlaw, And quhat stranger, that bringis Merchandice in the Realme to sell, and takis money theirfore, he sall have witnessing of the Hoste of his Lines, that he ware all sik money for penny worthes of this Realme, or else paie the custome foresaide to the King, under the paine before written. And for the keeping of this statute, that the Kingis Chalmerlaine depute, or himself, gar ordaine in ilk Toune, quhair sik strangers repairis, twa sufficient men baith to see the entrie of them of sik gudes, and to heare the reckoning of them, and to receive the Kingis Custome, & uther diinges, that belangis thereto, & to make reckoning and give compt thereof, at the Kingis Checker.

50. That na persones that inditis men to the Justice Aire, be on their Assise.

ITEM, It is statute, ordained, & forbidden that onie man that is officiar of onie Countrie, or anie man that inditis ane uther for onie action, be on his assise, that sall thoile the law, under the paine of ten pounds to the King.

51. Of