Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/492

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KING J *_ACM, E S THE S E X T, Patent Chamber Fees. THE Lords of Secret Council, and Seffion, findes, that in times by-gone, when the duety of the Cham- ber Fees firft came in cuftome , That no Inf eftment, or fignature payed chamber Fee : except only Resignations made in the KINGS Hands. And therefore the faids Lords declare , ftatute , and or- daine , That in all time comming , no Infeftment , nor Signature , mall pay Chamber-fee : Except only Resignations of lands holden of his Majeftie. And that the duetie of the Chamber-fee to be taken foi the faids Refignations , fhal be equal, and proportional unto the duetie and price due to the Privie Seale foi the lands which ihall be refigned. Commanding hereby, his Majefties Ufheares, and their Deputies, apppointed for collecting oftheirfaid Fee; That they in no wayes violate this prefentAft: but conforme themfelves thereunto in all poynts, as they willanfwere upon their obedience. And that the keeper oi the Signet and Privie Seale , in no wayes ftay nor hinder any Letter , or Writte , at their Seales , for alledged not payment of the Chamber Fee, under the paine of deprivation. Tryces Jet down to theTrocurators Fifcal, to be taken hereafter for forming of Tejiaments. FOR fmall Teftaments , wherein there is little Geare, andameaneQuote, xiij. millings, iv. pennies For Teftaments wherein there is much Geare, and a great Quote, . xx. lhillings^ For the Teftaments of Earles, Lordes, and great Barrones, for everiefheet . xxx. millings. Tryces fet down to the Commifiarie Clerks , to be taken hereafter of all fuch letters and Writtes as paffe their Office. A NE Snmmondes (Ad inftantiam) with the Signet i . . . viij pennies Ane libelled fummonds, not exceeding halfe a meet of paper, compactly written ,- .. ij. millings. The libelled fummondes, exceeding halfe a iheet of paper , . fiji millings' The putting of an Aft into the Booke, . „ . . iv. pennies Andfurther, as the writing lhall be ofquantitie , at the difcretion of the Judge. And the ExtracT of the fame as much-, andfurther, at the difcretion of the faid Judge. The fummonds , to fummond Witnefles : whether the partie , or his procurator be warned , {apui atta] or not, . . . . . . viij. pennies For pronouncing offentences in fmall actions, of the availe of twentie pounds, or within- which were wont to be called Decreetes, . i* minings, iv. pennies For pronouncing of lentences in caules of greater availe, . s vj. millings viii c The precept Executorial upon the fentence, . , ij millings' The Inhibition, . . . ij.flnlUm! Precepts of arreaftment, . •..>-*. ij millings For fummondes to heare Executors ^Datives) given , . ■ j-' fhjiij,, ' For regiftring of Contractes , Obligations, or ficklike Evidents, not exceeding halfe a meet § of P T r ' a- c c ' a- i u n, '. m ' ' "J- filings, iv. pennies. For regiftring of the fame, exceeding halfe a meet of Paper, . . vj. millings viii d The Extract thereof fubferibed by the principal Clerke, halfe as much. ' The Tranfumpt of Evidents , or Writings , under the Seale of Office , . xiij. fhillings, iv pennies The Extracting of Procefle , written compactly : each leafe on both the fides , n millings The Regiftring of a Teftament, containing a fheete of Paper, . xxv ; fhillings viii d Andifitexceedafhcet, .... xxxiij. millings, iv pennies: F Tryces fet down to the Sherriffe-Clerkes , Steward and Baillie-Clerks , and Clerks ofKegalitie-. and to Clerks in Services , by Commiffion, to be receav d by them , for all fuch Letters , Acles , and Writs , asfafe their Offices. ° & R A ll l dIed Pf ce P r ' bei , n g f^med by the Clerk, fealed, and fubferibed, xiij millings iv pennies AndifitbenotformedbytheClerk,forthefubfcribingandfealing, ^(S^.JSS For