Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/493

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XXIII. PARLIAMENT. IV. of Auguft , i6zi. 4?1 For a precept of arreaftment, with the feale thereof, . . vj. fliillings, viij. d. For an Act of lovvfing of arreaftment , . . . vj. ihillings, viij. pennies. FortheAclofLaw-burrowes, takenat the Bane, . . vj. ihillings, viij. pennies. For an Acl of Curatorie , with the Edift, ProceiTe, and Extract thereof, xxvj. fliillings, viij. pennies. For an Act of Revocation , or Renunciation, given in Writte to be regiftrated , yj. {hillings, viij. pennies. And the Lords of Secreet Council exprefiely prohibite, and difcharge , T H A T no Act of revo- cation, or renunciation , bee receaved by Judicial compearance , without a Warrand in Writte, bearing registration. For Extract of the revocation, or renunciation, . . yj. Iliillings, viij. pennies. For Act and precept of Continuation, in all caufes, . . vj. millings, viij. pennies. For ane Act of "Litis Conteftation , with the precept of Diligence , contayning a flieet of Paper , or within, . . . . . x. millings. And in-cafe it be more then a Iheet, that the payment exceed not . , xx. millings. For booking and extracting ofeverie Decreet, within a meet, . . x. millings. And for every (heet more that exceeds the firft meet, written compactly , . vj. ihillings, viij. pennies. Providing alvvayes that the decreet exceed not , . xl. ihillings. How-long-foever the decreet be. For a precept to poynd, eject, and remove, < . . x. Iliillings. For deducing, of a Procefle , to ferve a general Heire: and for extracting and fealing the retour thereof, . . . . ... xxx. Iliillings. FortheprocefleofafpecialfervicetoLandes, with the retour extracted, and fealed thereupon , compre- hending herein the opening and proclayming of the Brieves, Forming of the claymes , and all things to bee done in the procefle, if the lands extend to a Fourtie pound land, or within, . . iv. pounds. And if it exeeed a Fourtie pound land, to pay .... xij. pounds. For an Inftrurhent of feafing upon the retour , . ■•■-.-. . . iv. pounds. And if it be a Barronie, and Lordlhip of land , difpenfing with the feafing, to be taken at a place , and if the landes lye di/contigue , and farre from the SherrifFes refidence : tha t they exceed not . x. pounds. For regiftring of Letters of Horning, upon a fimple charge , or four formes, as well in the Bookes of the Clerkes forefaids, as in the Clerk of Registers Books,lor every flieet thereof . yj. iliillings, viij. pennies. And not to exceede . . . . xx. ihillings. How long foever the horning be. For Inhibitions, and Relaxations, how long foever they be , , xx. millings> For every iheet of all extracted procefies, which the Writter fhall beholden to write compactly , under fcjaynetobepuniflied, incafehefaile, . . •■ • . . x. iliillings. Tryces fet down to the Clerkes of the t_Admiralitie , to be taken hereafter for allfuch Letters, ^A6les, andlVrittes, as fajfe that Office. FOR a libelled precept, being formed and written by die Clerke, and fealed, and fubfcribed xiij. ihillings, iv. pennies. And if it bee not formed by the Clerk, for die fubfcribing , and fealing thereof, . vj. fliil- . lings, viij. pennies. For the precept of arreaftment, with the feale thereof, ,. ... vj. ihillings, viij. pennies. For the Act of lowfing of arreaftment, . . . vj. millings, viij. pennies. For an Acl: and Procefs of continuation, inallcaufes, , . vj. ihillings, viij. pennies. For an Act of Litis Conteftation , with the precept of Diligence, containing a iheet of paper, or ivithin , . . . , . . . x. ihillings,

And in cafe it be more then a flieet, that the payment exceed not ... . xx, ihillings.

For Booking and extracting of every Decreet , within a flieet of paper , . x. ihillings. i And for every halfe iheet more that exceedeth the flrfl iheet , which $be Lords ordaine to be com- >actly written, . . . . . ;Vj..ihillings, viij. pennies. It is alwayes ordained , and commanded , by the faids Lords , That the payment exceed . lot . . . . . • . xl. ihillings,. How long foever the decreet bee. Sffz For