Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/494

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4 72, KING JAMES THE S E X T, For a precept to poynd, .... .- x. (hillings. For every lneet of all extracted Procefles, which the Writer (hall be holden to write compactly, under the paintobepunifhed, in cafe he faile, ... . x, (hillings. Trices fet down to the Keepers of the Secretaries Repifter , to be taken hereafter , for all fitch letters as paffe that Office. TH E Lords of Secret Council and Seflion , command, and Ordain the Cler ks, Keepers of the faids Re- gifters of the Secretary , That they and every one of them , conform tbemfelves in their Prices, to the Acts of Parliament , made anent the prices of fuch Letters and Writtes , aspafle through their Registers ; And that they in no wayes prefume to exceed the faids prices , under the pain of deprivation, Trices fet down unto the Clerks within Burgh , to be taken hereafter , for all fuch Letters, Actes , and TVrittes , as paffe the Office of common Qlerk- Jhif within Burgh, THE claimeofdebt, in matters of fmall importance, : xii. pennies, The Aft of Court, The firft day, and all Acts, before Litis Contefiatim, . viii. pennies. ' TheActoflnterloquutor, or Litis Contejlai ion, . . . xji. pennies. The Acts of probation , ufque ad fententiam . . xii. pennies. The Extract thereof, lor calling the action, and warning the partie, andWitnefles, . xii. pennies. The fentence pronouncing in fmall caufes, . . . ii. millings. And in great caufes nottoexceedc . . , vi, (hillings, viii. pennies. The Fxtract thereof, ... . vi. millings, viii. pennies. In great caufes, exceeding xl. pounds. the chime being made by libelled precept, for every precept forming, and fubfcribing, vi, fliil. viii. pen. The Acts thereof, .... xii; pennies. TheActoflnterloquutor booking, .... xii. pennies. The Extract thereof, . . . . ui. millings, iiii. pennies. The fentence pronouncing and booking , . . vi, (hillings, viii, pennies. The extract of each iheet thereof , compactly written, . ri. (hillings, viii. pennies. All the Acts in the Procefle: every act • . ... xii. pennies. The precept of poynding, .... ii. (hillings. The booking of Goods comprifed by Officers , . vi. (hillings, viii. pennies. The Procefle of comprifing of Lands, or Annuel-rents, each (heet compactly written, viii. (hill. viii. pennies. Every act thereof, . . . . . xii. pennies. Every claime of Injury , which pafleth not unto an Aflyfe , but witnefles examinate thereupon, xii. pennies. Every Dittie of ftroakes, and blood, . . . xii. pennies. The depofiuons of Witnefles: every perfon . . , xii. pennies. Commiffion for examination of Witnefles, direct to other Judges* , vi. (hillings, viii. pennies. For proclaiming of the Brieve, , . . vi. (hillings, viii. pennies. For indorfingot the Brieve, . . iii. fhillings, iv, pennies. For making of the claime in a general fervice, . . iii. (hillings, iv. pennies. For making of the claime in a ipecial fervice,. ' . . vL, (hillings, yiii. penniesf For the acts of objecting, and replies, . . < '. xii. pennies. For hooking and extracting of a general fervice, and directing of the retour, . xx. millings. For bookingand extracting of a fpecial fervice, and directing of the retour, for a tenement, xxx. (hillings. For two tenements, . . . . xl. millings. And it there be moe tenements , the whole payment not to exceeds, .- iii. pounds. For an Inftrument of feafing upon a general fervice, . * . iii. pounds. For an Inftrumentoffeafing upon a (pecial fervice, . . . iv. pounds. A Charter of Alienation, ; rr . , « xl. (hillings. And for every Land moe than one contained in the Charter, . vi. (hillings, viii. pennies. Providing that the whole payment exceed not . . . iii* pounds. AProcuratoryofrefignation, .... xxx.millings. Arid for eachfand moe than One contained in the Procuratory, . vi. (hillings, viii. pennies. And the whole payment not to exceed . . xlvi. (hillings, viii. pennies, An Inftrument of K-efignation, . . . . iii. pounds. A Contract of Aliepation, containing a (heet of paper, , xx. (hillings. And for every (heet moe than one, . . x. (hillings. The -. l