Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/496

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474 KING JAMES THE SEXT after the which Tearme of Whitfonday , they cad themfelves lowfe, , of purpofe and intention , to make their gaine and advantage by the extraordinary workes which befal in that feafon , betwixt Whitfonday^and Martin- mefTe: fuch as calling and winning of Peats, Turfs, Fewel, Divots , building of fold dykes , fhearingjn the harveli For doin°- whereof, they know the faids Husband-men, who have necefsarily adoe therewith , will be forced to hire tliem at daily and weekly wages, and fuch high rate as they pleafe, to the great harme of the Labourers of the Ground, and all his Majefties fubjects. FOR remeedewhereofitisftatuted, and ordained, That it ihall not be lawful for any hired fervant, from Martinmefse to Whitfonday, to leave his Maifter at the faid tearme of Whitfonday , and to runne lowfe from that fervice : Except he be able to verifie to the Juftice of Peace , or Conftable of the bounds , that he is hyred unto another Mailer, from the faid Feaft of (Whitfonday to Mar- tinmefse thereafter. And if it be found , that he is not hyred to another Mafter : Then , and in that cafe it is declared , That it fliall be lawful unto his prefent. Mafter to keep, and detain him , from the faid Feaft of Whitfonday unto Martinmefse , for payment to him of fuch Wages as he payed to him of be- fore. And if he refufe to ferve , that the Juftice of Peace fhall have power to compel him thereunto. And if the faid fervant of the quality forefaid, break lowle from his Mafter , It fhall be lawful for his mafter tp take and apprehend him, wherefoever he findethhim , and prefent him unto the Conftable, or Juftice of Peace, upon the ground where he fhall be found; who fhall have power to compell the Servant to return' unto his former Mafter, ifitbefoundthathebeMafterlefs, and none otherwayes. AND fuch like, HisMajefty, and Eftates, findes, and declares, That it fliall be lawful unto all his Majefties Lieges , who have necefsarlie adoe with Labour, to take, apprehend, and imploy, in their' Works, whatfoever lowfe and Mafterlefse Men and Women, whom they fhall find within their own Bounds. Andfuchlike, that the Juflices ol peace , and Conftable , fliall have power, at the inftance and defire of whatfoever perfon His Majefties Lieges, to force, and compell all, and whatfoever lowfe Men and Women, to ferve for competent hyre and Wages. ACT. XXII. Anent Counterfeiting , and making offalfe Writtes. FOR Efchewing the clanger wherein many of his Majefties Lieges ftand , by counterfeiting and falfify- ingofEvidents: IT IS ftatuted and Ordained , That whofoever maketh and ufeth afalfeWrit, or isacceffory to the making thereof , fhall be punifhed with the paines due unto committers of Falfe-hood. AND it ihall not be lawful for any perfon counterfeiter, falfifier, or accefsory whatfoever, to declare in judgement , that he pafseth from the Writ , quarrelled of Falfe-hood. But if after the tryal, the Writ quar- relled be found falfe , thepaffingfrom, or declaration of the party, that he will not ufe the fame,, fhal no wayes free him from the puniihment which is due unto thofe who commit Falfe-hood. AC T. XXIII. A general pardon for deedes done againfi penal ftatutes , {fome few excepted) and a dip • charge of James Cranfton his Commij/ion, OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftates of this prefent Parliament , confidering the com- plaint made by the Barrons, Sherriffs, Stewards, Bailies, and other Ftee holders within this King- dom , concerning the danger which all our Soveraigne Lords Lieges do daily underly , for having tranfgref- - fed penal Statutes , which have a Pecunial, or arbitrary paine adjeded thereunto : And the great hurt and prejudice fuftained, by granting Commiffions unto private perfons, for execution of the fame ftatutes, which have been ufedamongft the common people, at fundry times , with intollerable rigour , and exacti- on, of before: HAVE difcharged, freely pardoned , and remitted: DISCHARGES, freely par- dons and remits , all contraveeners of any of the faids penal ftatutes , for all deeds done by them contrary to the tenor of the fame ftatutes , in times by-gone. Except only the ftatutes concerning wearing and bearing of Hagbuts and Piftolets : Taking of unlawful Ufury : Tranfporting of Money and Gold : and flaying of red and black Fifh : Which are no wayes difcharged by this prefent Statute , nor comprehended here- intill. AS ALSO, Our faid Soveraign Lord, with advice and confent of the faicis Eftates, Statutes, and de- clares, That hereafter Commiflion for putting of penal Statutes to execution , fhall only be granted to ho- neft men , of good quality : who fhall be fufficiently authorized by the Lords of the Secret Council , for dis- charging of their Office. And abfolutely difcharges in time comming , James Cranfton, his Deputies, or Officers, to call, or conveene any perfon or perfons,for flaying of red or black Fifh. And from henceforth de- clares, The power of his Commiuion granted unto him for that effect, to be quite extinguifhed and abolifhed. - ACf