Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/497

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e XXI 11. PARLIAMENT. IV. of^Auguft. 1621. 475 - ACT. XXIV. Anent Evidents p aft the great Seal, which are not Regiflrated. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and E S T A T E S of Parliament , undemanding, That there are fundry Infeftments , and other Writtes , Which pafle his Highnefs Great Seale, That in time by gone, after the expeading thereof, and appending of the Seale thereunto: Have, through the o- verfight , and negligence of the Receivers thereof, in the not returning of the fame to the Director of His Highnefs Chancellary, and his Deputies, Been omitted, to be regiftrated in their Books and Regifters ap- pointed for that effed. And confidering , that the not regiftration of the fame Infeftments and Writs , tendeth to the great hurt and prejudice of the perfons unto whom the fame are granted , and per- taine. THEREFORE, Our faid Soveraign Lord , and Eftates of Parliament , for remeed hereof, ftatutes and Ordains, THAT in time comming , when any Infeftment, or other Writ, or Evident, which paf- feth his Highnefs Great Seale , fhall be formed and written by the Direftor of his Highnefs Chancellary , or his Deputies. The fame after the writing thereof, fhall be delivered by them unto the party, In-give'r of the faid Infeftments, or others Writtes forefaids : To the effeft he may get his Highnefs Great Seale there- unto appended. At the Delivery whereof, the party receiver of the fame, fhall only be holden and aftri- fted to pay at that time to the Director of the Chancellary , or his Deputes, That one half of the prices al- lowed unto him by the Book of Rates fot writing of Evidents to the Great Seale : And that only in confide- ration of the paines taken in forming and writing of the faids Writs and Evidents , without paying beforehand the other half of rhe faids prices , which hereby is appointed to be referved unpayed , while the fame be rewi- ftrat in manner after mentioned. Which Infeftments and Evidents being delivered to the Keeper of the great Seale , and he having appended the fame Seale thereunto , and being fatisficd of the price due to him there- fore: Ordains the Keeper of rhe Great Seale, to return, and redeliver die fame Infeftment, or other Writ forefaid, fofealed by him back again, to the Director of his Highnefs Chancellary, or his Deputies : To the effect the fame Infeftments , Evidents , or other Writs forefaids , may be regiflrated by him in the Regi- fters, and Books appointed for that effect* Which being fo regiflrated, Ordains the Director of his High- nefs Chancellary , and his Deputies , to deliver the fame to the party : He being fatisfied of the other half of the price forefaid, retained by the party , and unpayed by him , at the time of the writing of the faids E- vidents to the Great Seale , as due for the Regiftration thereof, in manner above written. AND ALSO, Our faid Soveraign Lord, ftatutes and ordains , all and whatsoever perfons, who have any Infeftments, Writs, or Securities , graunted unto them , and already paft the Great Seale , and which are not as yet regiflrated , to returne the fame back again , unto the Director of his Highnefs Chancellary, within the fpace of a yeare after the publication of this prefent Act ; To the effect the faids Infeftments , and Writs, may be regiflrated by the faid Director of his Highnefs Chancellary, and his Deputies: and that (gratis) and without any payment to be given unto him therefore. ACT. XXV. t_Anent Banqueting , and Apparet. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of Parliament, confidering, the great hurt comming unto this Country , by thefuperfluous ufage of unneceflary fumptuoufnefs in Meat, Apparel, and otherwayes : and that by all forts of people, promifcuoufly , without diftinction of perfons, of ranks or quality. For repreifing of the faid abufe in time comming , Do flatute and Ordaine .THAT NoneofOurSoveraigne Lords Lieges, of whatfoever quality or degree , fhall weare any cloathing of Gold or Silver Cloathe, or any Gold or Silver Lace upon their Apparels , or any part of their Bodies hereafter. And that no manner of perfon fhall have any Apparel of Velvet, Sattin, or other Stuffs of filke, except Noble-men, Lords of Parliament, Prazlates, His Majefties Counfellers , Lords of Seffion, Barrons of quali- ty, having of free yearly rent fourfcore Chalders Victual , or fix thoufand Merks of filver : and the Pro- vefts of the principal Burrows within this Kingdom , or thofe who have been Provefls : with fuch alfo as fhall happen to be, or have been, Proyefts, Bailies, Deans of Guilde, and Thefaurers , within the Towne of [Edinburgh: excepting alfo Rectors ofUniverfities. AND IT IS ftatuted, and Ordained, That thefe perfons which are permitted to weare the faid Ap- parelling of Siike, fhall no waves have Embroydering , or any Lace, or Paflements upon their cloathes: except only a plain Welting Lace ofSilke upon the Seames, or borders of their Cloathes : with Belts-, and Hat-bands embroydered wtth filke : and fuch- like, that the faid apparel of filke be nowayes cutout upon other ftuffes of filke : except upon a fingle Taffatie. AND, that the Wives of the faids priviledged perfons, tlidC