Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/498

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47 6 K I N G J A M E S THE S E X T their eldeft formes , and eldeft daughters unmarried, and the children of all Noble Men, be licentiate to weare their apparel in manner aforefaid only , under the paine of a thoufand pounds, Tories, quoties. x . I T E M , That no perfon, of whatfoever degree , fliall have Pearling , or ribbening upon their Ruffes , Sarkes, Napkins, andSockes: Except the perfons before priviledged. And the Pearling and Ribbening to be fo worne by them , ( if any be ) to be of thofe made within the Kingdome of SCOTLAND, under the pay ne of ane hundreth poundes , toties , quoties. 3. ITEM, That none weare upon their Heads, or Bufkings, any Feathers. And notwithftanding , it is permitted, That any perfon may weare Chaines , or other Gold-fmiths vvorke, having no ftones , nor pearles, within the fame. And that no perfon weare any pearles, nor precious ftones: Except the perfons before priviledged : under the payne of a thoufand Marks, to be payed by the contraveeners , toties, quoties. 4. And it is ftatuted, That no perfon , nor perfons, ( Except the priviledged perfons forefaids ) weare Launes, orCambricke. And that no perfon whatfoever weare upon their bodies , Tininies , Cobwebbe- Launes, orSlyres, under the paine of ane hundreth poundes, toties, quoties. 5-. Neverthelefle, The Kings Majeftie , Prince , and their ordinarie Houfe-holde fervants , areexeemed from this Ac~t , and all the claufes thereof. 6. It is moreover ftatuted, That no fervants , Men or Women, weare any clothing , except thofe that aremadeofCloath, Fufteans, Canvas, orftuftesmadeinthecountrey. And that they fliall have no filk upon their cloathes: Except filke Buttones , and Button holes: and filk Garters , without pearling , or rofes, under the paine of ane hundreth Markes , toties, quoties. 7. It is alwayes declared . That it may be lawful for them to weare their Maifters , or Miftreffes old cloaths, 8. It is hereby ordained, That no cloathes bee guilded w 7 ith Gold* 9 . It is alfo declared , That Heraulds , Purfevants , and likewife Trumpetters, be exeemed from this Aft. 10. ITEM, itisfuchlike fttatuted, That Minftrels be exeemed. 11. IT IS farther ftatuted, That none, except the Priviledged perfons forefaids, ufeDamafke Naprie, brought from beyond fea, under the paine of ane hundreth pounds, toties, quoties. ix. IT IS likewife ftatute, that no moe deule weedes be made at the death of any Earle, or Countefle, but twentie f oure at the moft : Or for ane Lord of Parliament , or ane Lords wife , but fixteene only , and for all other priviledged perfons before named , twelve at the moft : And that none ( except the priviledged perfons ) have any honours carryed , and thefe according to their qualities ; and that no deule weeds be given to Heraulds, Trumpetters, or Saullies, Except by the Earles and Lords , and their wives. And the number of the Saulhes to be according to the number of the deule weedes, under the paine of ane thoufand pounds, toties, quoties. 13. IT IS ftatuted, thatthefalhionof Cloathes now prefently ufed , beenot chaunged by Men or Women , and the wearers thereof: under the paine of forefaultne of the cloathes , and ane hundreth pounds, to be payed by the wearers , and as much by the makers of the faids cloathes , toties , quoties. 14 It is ordained, That no Caftor Hats be ufed nor worne , but by the priviledged perfons: under the' paine of ane hundreth poundes , toties , quoties. 15-. It is further inadted, That no cloathes fhall be made after the publication of this Acl, but according to the manner and condition before expreemed. And that none of the former difcharged Cloathing be worne by no perfon after Martinmefle, the yeare of G O D , one thoufand, fixe hundreth , twentie, and three yeares: under the ipamts[rejpe£iive~ above fetdowne, toties, quoties. 16. ITEM, It is ordained ; That the Hufband-men , and Labourers of the Grownd , weare no cloath- ing but Graye, White, Blew, and felfe Black Cloath . made in SCOT LAND: And that their Wives and Children weare the like: under the paine of fourtie poundes , toties, quoties. 17. IT IS further ftatuted and ordained, That no perfon ufe any manner of Defert of Wette and dry Confections , at Banquettings , Manages , Baptifmes , Feaftings , or any meales : Except the Fruites growing in SCOTLAND: As alfo Figs , Raifins , Plumbe-damic's , Almondes , and other confecled fruites under the paine of a thoufand Marks , toties, quoties. Excepting fuch like the ufe of the forefaids forbidden con- <