Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/499

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XXIII. TARL1AMENT. IV. ofiAuguft. i6zi. 477 confeftions to be lawful for the entertainment of His Majeftie , Prince , and their Traines , being within the countrey, and for Ambafladours , or ftrangers of great qualitie. j8. And it is ftatute moreover , That no perfon of whatfoever qualitie , ufe any Feafting at Burials , or offer of other Meats , except bread and drinke. As Like- wife , no perfon ufe any eating or drinking at Night- wakings , or Licke-wakes : under the paine of a thoufand Markes. toties , quoties, ACT. XXVI. Anent Thaicking of Houfes in Edinburgh, with Sklaite and Skaillie. OURSOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of this prefent Parliament , confidering that fundrie perfons of meane qualitie , acquire unto themfelves the heretable right of fundrie jruinous Landes , and Waftes , within the Towne of Edinburgh. And for want of meanes to build the jfame fufficiently , thaickes the fame with ftrawe , and Deales , whereby the Landes next adjacent unto Ithefanie, buiided upon the great charges and expences of the Heretors , are often-times brought in Igreat hazard , and fometime to decay , in time of fudden Fyre. THEREFORE, and for further Idecoration of the faid Burgh, being the Head-Burgh of this Realme, OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD kvith confent of the faids Eftates , ftatutes and ordaines , That in all time to come , no manner of berfon , or perfones , fhall be fuffered , or permitted to builde any houfes within the faid Burgh of Edmbnrgh: But fuch as mall be covered With Sclaite, or Skallie", Lead, Tylde, or Thacke-itonc U.ND alio', ftatutes, and ordaines, That the Heritors oi fuch houfes as are already thaicked with Jthack and Straw, (if the fame Thacke, and Straw-Roofs, mall hereafter at any time become ruinous) Imali be aftricted to thaick the fame againe with Sklaite, or Skaillie, Lead, "rylde, or Thacke-ftone. JA N D Ordaines , Letters of Horning to be directed here-upon , againft the Heritors of the faids lands, in forme asefTeires. AND fuch-like, Ordaines the Proveftand Baillies of the faid Burgh, To put this Ad to Execution, ACT. XXVII. Anent Qompryfing from apparent Heyres, extended as well unto Mens owne debts , as their Tredecejfors. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of this prefent Parliament, Ratifies, approves, and confirmes , the 106. Aft of the feaventh Parliament of King 'JAMES the fifth,' bf worthy memory : Intituled [ The Creditor may pnrfiie him, who is charged to enter, and entreth not, ] in all the Heads, Articles, and Claufes thereof. With the addition and explanation following .• [THAT the fame fhall be extended unto Debts owing by any perfon himfelfe , as well as to thofe jwhich are addebted by his predeceflbrs. For the which debt, it mall be as lawful for a Creditor, to charge any perfon to enter Heir to his predeceflor , and with the like certification, as if the predeceflbr pad been debtor thereintil. Whereupon comprifing may follow in manner fpecifled , in the faid Aft,- ACT. XXVIII. _Aneni taking of Annuel-rent before hand, to be ^Vfttrie. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of this prefent Parliament , confidering, that notwithftanding Ufurie, and taking unlawful Annuel, more then ten for each hundreth , hath peen by fundry Acles of before difcharged, and forbidden: Yet it hath been ufual, by ane evil! and torrupt cuftome, to take, or retaine , the Annuel-rent , the time of the borrowing the Money: jVVhich in effecle is eleven of each hundreth, at leaft. For Avoyding whereof, ftatutes, and ordains, jrhat no perfon , who lendes , or gives out money , and receaves Annuel therefore , fhall retaine the time of I he lending , exacl: , crave , or receave , from their Debtors , the Annuel of their lent fummes , until the tearme pf payment appoynted by their Bandes , be firft come. And it fhall be lawful , at the time of lending )f Money , and making "of Bands , to adds the annuel unto the principal fumme : providing alwayes , heither principal nor annuel be exacted, or craved, before the tearme of payment appoynted to the laid Band. And the contraveeners of this prefent ftatute fhall be puniflied as unlawful Ufurers. T t t ACT