Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/502

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4 8o KING JAMES THE S E X T, F ACT. XXXIII. Salvo Jure Cujuflibet. OR AS MUCH, As in this prefent Seflion of Parliament, there are many Ratifications and A&es, in favours of particular perfons paft ; wherein diverfe and new Claufes are infert , which may be prejudi- cial to particular parties rights , and derogative unto many and fundry Lawes lawfully made , and eftabliihed of before: albeitthemeaningoftheEftatesbeat this time, as it was ever in all preceeding Parliaments , That by no AcTiof Ratification, or A<ft granted unto any particular perfon, any other party mould be hurt or prejudged. For remeed whereof , it is ftatuted and ordained , That no Ratification , nor other Act, made in favours of any particular perfon , fliall be prejudicial to any private parties right .• But that the faids Ratifications and Acls, made in favours of particular perfons , be alwayes underftood , Salvo Jure Cu- , Juftibet. THE PRINTED ACTS AND LAWS Paft in the XXIII. PARLIAMENT. A Ratification oj "the five Articles of 'the General Affemblie of the Kirk, haldren at Perth in the CMonethofi^Auguft, 1618. ^ x_Anent theTaxation granted 'to his CMajeftie, ofxxx.JhillingsTearmlie, upon the pound Land i and the twentiepennie ofallannnrt-rents. 3 Anent the Collecting and in-bringing of the Taxation , and re lief e to Tr elates. 4 Ane i^AB of Ratification in favour of the Prince his Highne/f. .5- t_Anent the plantation of Kirks, asyet unplanted. 6 ASl anent compryfmgs. 7 Anent Adjudications. 8 t^Anent the ExtracJes of Infeftments , paft upon Compryfmgs, forth of the Tr'rvie Seale,: where tht fame are not regiflr ate at the Great Seale. 9 xy£nent giving of Licence to Bifhops , to fit their Ward lands in Few-ferme. I o Ac~l declaringfiimmes GraJ3,given to the CMiniftersfor their Gleibes to be Teynd-free. I I Ratification and Addition to the Ac~t of Parliament made anent Reftitution ofChaptours. 1 z Anent Tacking and Teyling. 1 3 Anent the dif charging ofProtecJions. 1 4 Anent playing at Gardes andTtyce, and Horfe-Races. 1 5 A£l , declaring all Tackesfettefor longer fp ace then three ye ares , without confent of the Tatron , beeing perfons under the degree of ^Prelates , fince IJ94- to be Null. 1 6 Anent CMettes and CMeafures. 17 Anent the difchargingof a pecke to the Bow. 1 8 ^A Ratification oft he Acl of the Lords of Council and Sejfion , made in July 1610. again ft unlawful ,c Dif pofitions, and Alienations, made by Dyvours and Bankrupts. 19 Ratification of the A£l of Council , anent the pryces of "Writtes, Scales, S§c. made 1606. z o i_A5t, ordaining annuel-rent to be due after the Horning. z 1 t^Anentfervants going lowfe, and leaving their <JMaftersfervice. z% Anent counterfeiting and making off alfe writtes. ■z 3 A generalpardonfor deedes done againfl penal ftatutes: ( ' fomefew excepted. J and a diftharge o^James Cranfton his commijfion. z 4 Anent Evident s paft the great Seale , which are not Regift rated. z$ Anent banquetting , and apparel. z6 t^Anent Thaicking ofHoufes in Edinburgh , with Sklaite andSkayllie. z 7 Anent compryfmg,from apparent Heires, extended aswel unto mens owne Debts, as their Tredeceffors. z 8 Anent taking of annuel-rent before hand , to be ufurie. 2.9 Ratification of the Act of Secret Council, againft Baxfters , Browfters, Flefhers, and Candle-ma- kers of Edinburgh. 30 Act reftrayning the buying and filling ofcertaine Wylde-Fowles. 31 Anent Hunting, andHaulking. 3 z x_Anent the harrying ofHaulke Neftes : and Hunting inflow. 33 A3 Salvo Jure Cujuflibet. ANE