Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/503

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XXUF. "PARLIAMENT. IV. ofAiguft, 16x1. 4 8j


Of the TARTICVLAR ACTS and Others, Not Printed, faft in thexxiij Par- liament, holden at Edinburgh, the 4. of Augufl, 16x1. 1 /^ Ommiffion anent Moneyes. x _j Commiffion anent the Taxt Rolle , within the Sherrifdome oiKincardin. 3 Commiffion anent Coales , and Coale-heughes. 4 Commiffion for modifying of Blench Dueties, and Minifters Stipends , in ere&ed Prelacies* 5 Reference to the Secret Council , anent Maultfters. 6 Another anent the In-bringing of Water to Edinburgh. 7 Reference to the Secret Council , anent the Clangregor, 8 Reference to the Secret Council , anent the Taxation of the Sherrifdome of Linlithgow.' 9 Reference to the Secret Council , anent the Profeflbrs of Medicine. I o A Ratification in favours of the Marquis of Hamilton. II An Aft Uniting the Proveftrie of Kirke-heugh, unto the Archbiihoprick of Sa/0-Andrewes , with dig verfe exceptions. ix Ratification in favours of the Earle of Angus. 13 An Aft in favours of the Earle of Nithi/daile. 1 4 Aft in Favours of the Earle oi Pffnton,anent the Regalitie of Sanct' Andrewes,oxi the Southfide oiForthZ 1 5- Proteftation made for John Murray of Lochmaben , anent Tunninghame. 1 6 Ratification, and new diflblution oi Jedburgh and Cannabie , in favours of the Earle oillume. 1 7 Ratification in favours of the Earle oiLowthian. 8 Ratification in favours of the Earle of Roxburgh , anent Kelfi and Lefmahago, with a new difiblutiorC 1 9 Ratification in favours of the Earle oiKeUie. xo Ratification in favours of the Earle oiMelros , of his infeftment oi Binning , &c. xi Another of the Earle olMelros , of his infeftment oiCMelros , with a new diflblution. xx Aft in favours of the Vicount Lawderdaile , anent Boltoun. x 3 Diflblution of the Priorie of Haddington , in favours of the Mafter of "Lawderdaile. 14 Diflblution of the Priorie oiCauld-fireame in favours of Sir John Hamilton olTrabroune , Knight. 2,5- Annexation of the Chappel-Royal to the Biihopricke oiDmnblane. x6 Ratification to Alexander Biihop oiDunkeld, of his infeftment oiBaltroddie. x 7 Ratification to the Bifliop oiDumblane , of his infeftment oiKilconqhuar. z 8 Proteftation made for the Lord oiLorne. X9 Diflblution of the Kirk of Kilmachormuk , from die Abbacie of Kilwinning , and an union thereof to the Bifhoprick of Argyle. 30 Aft in favours of the Lord Kilmawers , anent the Kirk oiDreghorne.

1 K atifi cation in favours of the Lord Spynie.

x Ratification in favours of the Lord Loudoun , of his infeftment oiKyleJmuire , &c. 3 Ratification to the Lord of Scone , of his infeftment oiT)runduffe , &c. 4 Aft in favours of Sir Kndro Ker. 5 Ratification to the Lord of Carnegie , of his Barronie of Feme, &c. I36 Aft in favour soi J o/w Stewart, anent his Rehabilitation. P7 Ereftion of Coldinghame , in favours of John Stewart. 5 8 Diverfe Proteftations againft the faid Aft , made in favours oijolm Stewart.

9 Aft in favours of Sir Richard Cockburne , Lord PrivieSeale. 

|j.o Ratification to Sir Robert CMelvil , of his Infeftment of Lethun , Monimaile, &c. fi Ratification to Sir George Hay, of his infeftment of Kilfawnes , &o* kx Ratification to Sir IVilliam Oliphant , and his fonnes , of their Inf eftments of diverfe landes. (.3 Aft in favours of Sir kndro Hamilton, oiReidhoufe. (.4 Ratification in favours oijohn Mtirray , of Lochmabeu , of two Infeftments. '(. 5- Ratification in favours oijohn Levingjlon , of his Infeftment of Kinnaird.

Ratification in favours oilohn Achmutie , of his Infeftment of Scougal. 

(.7 Ratification of diverfe Infeftments, granted to the Town oi Edinburgh. ij.8 Ratification to the Town of Edinburgh , of the libertie of bearing a Sword of Jufticiarie, of Peace , of Uri- lawes, theExcyfeofWine, the Jadgerie , &c. (.9 Ratification of diverfe Infeftments granted to the Town oi Edinburgh , for fuflentaticn of Colledge, Mi- nifters, and Hofpitals. T tt 3 5-0 Aft