Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/507

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a9. * 4" j THE ACTS Made is the FIRST PA R LI AMENT Of Our Mofl High and Dread Soveraign , H A R L E S H R T, By the Grace of G O D , King of GREAT BRITAINE, FRANCE, and IRELAND, Defender of the Faith , &c. Holden by Himfelfe , frefent in Terfbn , With his Three Eftates at Edinburgh , upon the Twentie eight day of June , Anno Domini , 1633. ACT I. Anent the Taxation granted to His CMajeftie of thirtie /hillings Tearmly upon the pound Land, andtheflxteenthpennie ofallAnnuel-rents. NTHE PARLIAMENT holden at Edinburgh , the twenty eight day of June, the yeare of God, 1633. THE THREE ESTATES of Parliament being aflembled , having taken to their Confideration the many bleflings, which this nation doth enjoy under his Majefties moft wife, happy, and peaceable government , whereof each Eftate is moft fenfible , his Majefties royal zeale for propagating the Gofpel of J E S U S CHRIST, his care for providing fufficient main- tenance for the Clergie, his extraordinary paines taken for uniting the disjoynted members of this Common- wealth , and extirping of all roots ofdifcords, releeving the opprefied , aud with fo eaven and fatherly a hand curing the wounds of this Common-wealth, as the wifeft eye can findenoblemifhinthetemperofalihis Royal Actions : And laft, the great comfort they have by enjoying his Majefties Royal prefence , paines Ijtaken, and expencesdisburfed by his Majeftie in this his Majefties journey: with a molt thankful acknow-

ledgement, are moft earneftly and humbly to entreat his Sacred Majeftie , to accept of this their voluntary

offer of ane taxation to be impofed , collected, and payed to his gracious Majeftie , in manner, and at the 1 termes following : That is to fay, The Dukes, Marquefles, Earles, Vicounts, Lords, and Commif- 1 fioners of Shires for the temporal Eftate, have granted, that there fhall be uplifted of every pound land of old