Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/508

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THE FIRST "PARLIAMENT old extent within this Kingdome , pertaining to Dukes, Marquefies, Earles, Vicounts, Lords, Barons, and Freeholders , and Fewers of his Majefties proper lands , the fumme of thirty fliillings money at every one of the fix feveral termes following , viz. The fumme of thirty millings money at the feaft and terme of Martinmas, in the year of God, 1634. The fumme ol other thirtie fliillings money at thefeaft and terme of Martinmas , in the year of God , 1 63 5-. The fumme of other thirty millings money at the feaft and terme of Martinmas , in the year of God , 1636. The fumme of other thirty fliillings money at the feaft and terme of Martinmas , in the year of God , 1657, The fumme of other thirty fliillings money at the feaft and terme of Martinmas, in the year of God, 1658. And the fumme ofother thirty fliillings money at the feaft and terme of Martinmas , in the year of God , 1639. AND the Archbifliops and Bifliops for the Spiritual Eftate, have granted that there fhall be uplifted of all Archbifhopricks , Bifliopricks , Abbacies, Pryories, and other Inferiour Benefices , within this Kingdome , at every one of the fix termes above-fpecified, thejuft taxation thereof, as they have been accuftomed to be taxed unto in all time by-gone , whensoever the Tem- poral lands of this Kingdome were ftinted to thirty fliillings the pound land of old extent : And the fame taxa. tion to be payed at every one of the fix feveral termes above-fpecified. AND the Commiffioners of Bur- rowes for their Eftate have granted , that there fhall be uplifted ol all the Burrows within this Kingdome , at every one of the fix termes above-fpecified , thejuft taxation thereof as they have been accuftomed to be taxed unto, in all time by-gone, whenfoever the Temporal Lands of this Kingdome were ftinted to thirty fliillings the pound land of old extent. And the faid Taxation to be payed at every one of the fix feveral termes above-written. AND in regarde that hisMajeftie hath erected fundry Prelacies in temporal Lordlhips , whereby the owners thereof may claime to be taxed with the Barons of the Temporal Eftate , and thereby his Majeftie will be defrauded of a great part of the faid Taxation. THEREFORE THE SAIDS ESTATES Ordaine, that all erections of Prelacies, and other fin all Benefices, in whole or in part in Temporal Lordfliips , fhall in payment of the faid Taxation pay to the Collectour thereof fo much of the fame Taxation (prorata) as if they were no wayes erected , and as they were fubject to do before the erection of the fame. AND fiklike it is feature and ordained, that all difiolved Benefices within this Kingdome , in whole or in part , fhall be fubject in payment of fo much of the iame taxation (fro rata) as diey would have been fubject to pay , though the fame had not been difiolved. And that thofe parties , who have gotten any part or portion of any Prelacies , or other Inferiour Benefices difiolved , and new fecurities made unto them by his Majeftie of that part and portion thereof fo difiolved , fliall be fubject in payment oftheTaxation thereof to the Prelate or other beneficed perfon for his reliefe of the fame Taxation , as they would have been , fo the fame had not been difiolved , notwithftandin'g of any condition contained in theinfeoftments and fecurities made by his Majeftie to them in the contrary thereof. AND FURTHER, his Majeftie and the faids Eftates annul and difcharge all priviledges and immu- nities whatfoever , whereby any perfons may think themfelves free of payment of this prefent Taxa- tion ( The. priviledges granted to the ordinary Lords and Senators of the Colledge of Juftice , and the taxation of Benefices , given , difponed , and mortified for entertainment of the Univerfities , Col-i ledges, and Hofpitals within this Kingdome only excepted.) AND further, the faids Effaces, for a more ample teftification of their exceeding great affection to his Majefties fervice , have ( befido and attour the ordinary taxation above-written) made a tree and willing offer to his Majeftie of one yearly ex- traordinarie taxation of the fixteenth penny of all annual-rents which any perfon or perfons within this King- dome hath freely due and payable to them yearly or termly ( Their own annual-rents, wherein they are adebt- ed to others being firft deduced ) : The firft termes payment whereof fliall bee , and begin at the Feaft and terme of Martinmes , intheyeareofGod, one thoufand fix hundred thirty four years , and fo forth yearly and termly at Whitfunday , and Martinmas for the fpace of fix years , while the faids fix yeares and twelve termes payment thereof be full and completely out-run. AND For the better try all of every man his annual-rents , which bee hath yearly or termly due to him : It is ordained , that this Act be publifhed at the Market-Crofie of Edinburgh , and of the' whole head bur- . rowes of the Sheriffedomes , Stewarcnes, Bailleries, and Regalities , within this Kingdome , whereby all his Majefties Lieges may have true notice thereof. AND therewithal the faids Eftates will, command, and ordaine all his Majefties fubjects that have any annual-rents payable to them, That they compear within the Head-burgh of the Sheriffedome , Stewartrie, Baillerie, or Regalitie, or the Head-burgh of ai iy of thofe jurifdiclions, wherein the head-Courts are holden, and where the faids annual-renters dwell, and have their ordinarierefidence, in any court day in one of the two laft weeks immediately preceeding and in one of the two firft weeks immediately following Whitfunday , and Martinmafie. At which time the Sheriffs , Stewards , Baiilies , and Bailiies of Regalities , and Proveft , and BaiJlies of Free-bur- rows within the bounds of their Jurifdiclions, fliall be obliged to hold Courts weekly, to the effect aftei fpecified. And the Lieges reforting to the faids Courts, fliall give up ane inventar to the Clerk thereof, of the whole fummes of money for which annual-rent is due to them yearly or termly, with the names cf their Debtors, defigned by name and furname, and the ordinarie place of their rcfidence. As alfc the whole fummes of money for which they are fubject in payment of annual-rents to others , with the name! .of their creditors , to whom the fame is due, defigned likewife by name and furname , and the place 0; 1 thei M for