Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/53

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AUCHT PARLIAMENT. XXV. of October. 1451.

ITEM, That the Engliſh groates, of the quhilkis aught groates haldis ane ounce, have courſe rightſwa for aught pennies the peece. And the half groate Engliſh, conformed to the ſaid groate in weight, have courſe for foure pennies. And that na Engliſh pennie have courſe, bot at the will of the receiver.

ITEM, Fra the new groate be ſtricken and proclaimed, and a ſpecial daie ſet for the courſe of it, then the new groate that now runnis for ſax pennies, fall deſcend to foure pennies, and the halfe groat to twa pennies.

ITEM, That the Demy, the groate and the half groate, that now runnis, have their courſe, that they now have, unto the time of the Proclamation, and the courſe of the ſaid new money.

ITEM, That there be ſtricken a new penny of Gold called a Lyon, with the prent of the Lyon on the ane ſide, and the image of Saint Andrew on the other ſide, with a ſide coate even to his ſute, halding the ſamin weight of the halfe Engliſh Noble. And that the ſaid Lyon be not taken in payment, bot gif it hald the full weight of the ſaid half Engliſh Noble. And that the ſaid new Lyon fra the daie that it be new cryed, have courſe, and ſall runne for ſex ſhiillinges aught pennies of the ſaid money: and the half Lyon of weight fra the daie it be cryed, and of finnes thereafter, have courſe for three ſliillinges ſoure pennies.

ITEM, after the courſe of the ſaid Proclamation, the Demy that now runnis for nine millinges, ſall run then for ſex ſhiillinges aught pennies, and the halfe penney for three ſhillinges foure pennies.

ITEM, The Royall of France, ſall have courſe for ſex ſhiillinges aught pennies, and the Salute havand the weight of the ſaid new Lyon, ſall have courſe then als for ſex ſhillinges aught pennies. And the Crown of France havand a crowned Flowre-deluce on ilk ſide of the Schield, that runnis now in France for courſeable payment, and the Dolphin Crowne ilk ane of them havand courſe for ſex ſhillinges aught pennies. And the Ryders of Flanders havand courſe for ſex ſhillinges aught pennies. And the Engliſh Noble called the Pace, ſall have courſe then for threttene fliillinges foure pennies. And the halfe Noble thereof, for ſexe ſhillinges aught pennies: and ſa the farding for three ſhillinges foure pennies: and the Flemiſh Noble that time havand courſe, for twelve ſhiillinges aught pennies. And all uther kinde of gold havand na courſe, bot as the byar and ſeller can accord.

ITEM, The pennies that were ſtricken by the Kingis Cuinzeoures, that is to ſay, Robert Gray, John of Dairympill father himſelf, Alexander Tod, and John Spethy, ſall have courſe as they now have, unto the time of the ſaid new ſtraik. And of thay pennies, ſall be tane bot twelve pennies in a pound. And all uther kindes of pennies ſtricken by Henry Goldſmith, and be all uther falſe cuinzieoures, outher in Innernes, Dyſart, or Forare, or ony uther place, ſall have na courſe fra this daie foorth, nor be received for payment.

ITEM, Fra die new groate have courſe for aught pennies, that the foreſaid pennies ſtricken be the ſaid Kingis cuinzieoures have na langer courfe, nor be received in payment.

ITEM, That this new cuinzie be ſtricken even furth-with, groate, halfe groate, and penney, unto the ſaid new groate runne for aught pennies: the ſaid new groate for twelve pennies: the halfe groate for ſex pennies: and the pennie for three pennies.

ITEM, That the Lyon, and halfe Lyon be ſtricken eaven ſa furth-with and have courſe to the ſaid time, the Lyon for ten ſhillinges: And the halfe Lyon for five ſhillinges.

ITEM, That proviſion be maid for the Gravoures of the irones, And that now incontinent traiſty ſworne men paſſe foorth, and receive all the irones of die Kingis ſtrykers baith of Gold and ſilver, togidder with the letters of graving fra the Gravoures, and before the King and his Councel they be deſtroyed, and the new irones that ſall be maid, ſall be given within the cuinzie place.

33. Maiſter of the Cuinzie.

ITEM, That the Maiſter of the money ſall anſwere for all gold and ſilver, that ſall be ſtricken under him, quhill the Wardane have tane aſſay thereof, and put it in his buiſt. And that na man ſall take the ſaid money, fra it be burled and clypped, bot at his awin lyking. And the ſaid Maiſter ſall have power to chooſe all ſervandes under him to ſtricke, and to puniſh them, gif they treſpaſſe. And that the prenters and ſtrickers were na Gold-ſmithes, and utheris might be gotten.

34. That na man haue out of the Realme gold, ſilver, nor Bulzeon.

ITEM, That na man have out of the Realme, gold, ſilver, nor Bulzeon, under the paine of eſcheiting thereof, the ane halfe to the King, and the outher halfe to the taintour and taker. Nevertheleſſe, becauſe that diverſe men mon paſſe throw England land, or be Sea to France, Flanders, or uther countries, and na further, upon the quhilk the King mon take ſearchoures of leill men.

35. That na cattle be ſauld in England, bot for reddie gold or ſilver.

ITEM, That na Cattle be ſauld in England to Engliſh-men, bot for reddie gold or ſilver, under the paine of eſcheit of ſa meikle as is ſauld, to be distributed betwixt the King and the Wardane of the Marche.