Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/54

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36. Anent the out-quiting of wed-ſettes.

ITEM, That all wed-ſettes that are maid in the time of the money that now runnes, be payed in the time of the quiting out, of ſik money, as was lent, or elſe the availe of it.

ITEM, debtes and obligationes, of the payment, of the quhilkis the termes are gane, ilk man that will not paie betuixt this and Al-hallow daie cum a twelve Moneth, ſik maner of debts throw obligationes, or uther maner of way, contracted in the money, that now runnis, they ſall pay it of the money, that runnis fra that daie foorth. Nevertheleſſe, the ſaidis deputes intendis not to give furder delay of the payment thereof, bot at the liking of the partie.






Halden at Edinburgh, the XXVI. daie of Auguſt, the zeir of God, ane thouſand foure hundreth, fiftie twit zeires.

37 . Of Comes and auld ſtackes.

ITEM, It is ſtatute and ordained be our SOVERAINE LORD, & be adviſe of the Lords now preſent with him, that all maner of men, that hes corne unthreſchen within the Realme, ſall gar it be halilie threſchen out, before the laſt daie of Maij nixt to cum, under the paine of eſcheit to the King of the corne, that happenis to be un-threſchen, alſweill within barnes, as out-with. And that furth-with in all gudlie haſte, our Soveraine Lordis letters pane to all Schireffes of the Realme of charge for keiping of the ſaid ordinance. And that the ſaid Schireffes ſee, that the ſaid ſtatute be execute. And quhat Schireffe, that failzies heir-in till, that they be diſcharged of the execution of their Office in time to come, induring the Kingis will , and utheris depute therto.

38. Girnalling of victuallis forbidden.

ITEM, It is ordained, that na maner of victual be halden in Girnal be onie man, bot allanerly that is needefuil for their awin perſones, & ſuſtentation of their houlhalds: And finally unto the terme of Michael-mes nixt to cum: bot that they be preſented to the mercat, under the paine of eſcheit.

39. That na man hald mair victuall, then will ſuſteine himfelſe.

ITEM, Hereafter it is ſtatute and ordained, that na man hald victual in Girnal to a dearth, and that na man hald victuall mair, then will ſerve him and his familie for ane quarter of ane zeir. And that they preſent all that they have mair to the mercat, within nine daies after to be ſauld, under the paine of eſcheit thereof. For the ſearching of the quhilk thing, there is depute ſearchers in Edinburgh & Leith, certaine perſons.