Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/555

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As Wee having now after good Advice, and Deliberation, pronounced, and given forth Our Royal Decreet, Sentence, and Determination, in the matters referred, and ſubmitted unto Us, by the General Submiſſions made by the Arch-Biſhops, and Biſhops, Lords of Erections, Patrons of Kirks, and Benefices, Titulars of Teinds, and Heretours of the Lands out of which Teinds are payed , and by Our Burrowes, and Others Our ſubjects, particularly expreſſed in the ſaids Submiſſions, as in the four ſeveral Decreets follow- ing, prononced by Us in these matters, at length is contained. AND Wee finding it neceſſary, and expe- dient for the good of Our ſubjects, that Publication, and Intimation ſhould be made of Our ſaids Decreets, to the intent that Our ſubjects being acquainted with the Tenour, and ſubſtance of the ſame, they may be the better prepared and reſolved, to obtemper, & obey the ſame. Wee therefore Recommended to the Lords of Our Privy Council, the Publication of Our ſaids Decreets, which Decreets being exhibit unto Our ſaid Council, and Read in their Audience, upon the Eighteenth Day of September inſtant, and they in all dewtiful Obedience, acquieſcing to Our Royal Direction anent the Publication of Our ſaids Decreets: There- fore they have Ordained, and Ordains, the ſaids Decreets to be Publiſhed at the Mercat-Croſſes of the Head Burrowes of this Our Kingdom, and hath Ordained theſe Our Letters to be direct for that effect, as an Act made thereupon bears, OUR WILL IS Herefore, and Wee Charge you ſtraitly, and Commands, that incontinent theſe Our Letters ſeen you paſs to the Mercat Croſs of Edinburgh and to the remanent Mercat Croſſes of the head Burrowes of this Our Kingdom, and there by open Proclamation, in Our Name, and Authority make Publication, and Intimation of Our ſaids Decreets, To all, and ſundry Our Lieges, and Subjects, wherethrough none pretend ignornace of the ſame: As you will anſwer to Us thereupon: The which to doe, Wee commit to you conjunctly, and ſeverally, Our full power by theſe Our Letters, delivering the ſame by you duely Execut, and Indorſed again to the Bearer.

GIVEN under Our Signet, at Holy-rude-house, the Eighteenth Day of September, and of Our Reigne the fifth Year 1629.

Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilij.


His Majeſties Determination upon the firſt General Submiſſions.

CHARLES By the grace of God King of Great Britain, France , and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. To all and ſundry Our Subjects whom it effeirs. FOR SAMEIKLE as by the general Submiſſions made to Us, by all and ſundry perſons, having, or pretending Right to whatſoever Erections, and Tem- poralities of Benefices, Superiorities, and Few-dewties of the ſame, or to the Kirks, and Teinds, great, and ſmall, Parſonages, and Vicarages, or to Patronages of Kirks pertaining to Erections, or to any Teinds, which they, or any of them have of Other Mens Lands, by whatſoever Right or Title: And als by the Heretours, and Poſſeſſours of Lands lying within the ſaids Kirks, and Benefices erected, for themſelves, and in name of all Others, who were deſirous to have the Right, and Title of the Teinds of their own Lands, at a competent rate, and price, conform to Our gracious Proclamations made to that effect; The ſaids Per- ſons Subſcribers of the ſaids general Submiſſions did ſubmit themſelves to Us; And are bound to ſtand, and abide, at Our determination, & decreet, anent what compoſition, and ſatiſfaction ſhall be made, and given by Us, to them, or any of them; for the Few-mails , Few-ferms, and other conſtant Rent of the Superi- orities, of whatſoever Lands, Barronies, Mylnes, Woods, Fiſhings, Towers, Fortlices , Mannour-places, and their pertinents, pertaining to whatſoever Erections, and Temporalities of Benefices, of whatſoever title, name, or deſignation, the ſame be, reſigned, and ſurrendered by them in Our hands: And als did freely, and abſolutly ſubmit to Us, all and ſundry Teinds, that they, or any of them have of Other mens Lands, by whatſoever Right, or Title, they poſſeſs, & enjoy the ſame: And how they may be denuded thereof, in Our favours, Omni habili modo quo de jure: and als ſubmited to Us, to appoint the rate, and quan- tity of the ſaids Teinds, & what price ſhould be given to them for the ſame, and what ſecurities ſhould be made there anent, they alwayes being liberat of the burden of the Miniſters Stipends Pro rata; As in the ſaids gene- ral Submiſſions,containing diverſe other Heads,and Articles, and bearing full power to Us to pronounce Our determination in the premiſſes, and als to Prorogat the time of giving forth of Our ſaid determination, be- twixt and the firſt day of August then next to come, and now by-gone, to whatſoever day, or dayes there- after, at more length is contained. And Wee Having called up to Us a number of Our Nobility , Privy Council, and Others, able, expert, and well affected , to give their Advice to Us , in a matter of ſo great Importance, in the Moneths of April, and May 1628. years, with whom Wee had diverſe meetings, and conferences; and heard, and conſidered, the Reaſons, and Arguments of all Parties having intereſt, with their Opinions, and Judgments thereanent. And in reſpect of the conſequence of the buſineſs, Wee took the ſame to Our farther conſideration,and in the meane time Prorogat Our determination to be given upon the ſaids Submiſſions, till the laſt day of December 1629. years, betwixt and the which time, Wee Declared that Wee would give forth Our Royal determination in the matters ſubmited to Us, by the ſaids general Sub-

miſſions: AND NOW Wee being well , and ripely adviſed therein, and tendering the Well, and Plan-
