Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/57

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liament or Generall Councell, but the ſaid habite furred, ſall foorth-with pay there-after ten pound to the King un-forgiven. And that in ilk Burgh quhair Parliament or Generall Councell ſall be halden, there be ordained quhair the Barre uſes to Hand, a ſeate of three ſeges, ilk ane hiare then other, to the Commiſſionares to ſit on, under the paine often pound to be rayſed of the Towne, quhair the Parliament or Generall Councell ſall be halden, and the ſaid ſeges un-maid, als oft as they ar halden.

ITEM, That all men that are fore-ſpeakers for the coiſt, to have habits of greene, of die faſhion of a tunikil, and the ſleeves to be open as a Talbert. And quhilk of the Fore-ſpeakers that wantis it in that time of the ſaide Parliament or Generall Councelles, the ſaids habites, and afterwardes ſpeakis for meed, ſall pay five pound to the King.



Halden at Striviling, the thretteenth dale of October, the zeir of God, ane thouſand, foure hundreth, fiftie five zeires.

48. The matter of taikening, for bailes making.

ITEM, It is ſeene ſpeedefull, that there be coiſt maid at the eaſt paſſage, betuixt Roxbrugh and Berwick. And that it be walked at certaine fuirds, the quhilk is gif miſter be, ſall make taikenings be bailes burning & fire. In the firſt, a baill to be maid at Hume, be the walkers at that fuird, quhair it may be ſeene at Hume: And als that the ſamin perſones may come to Hume in proper perſon, and their bailes to be maid in this maner. Ane Baile, is warning of their dimming quhat power that ever they bee of twa bailes togidder at anis, they are cumming in deed: four bailes, ilk ane beſide uther, and all at anis as foure candelles, ſuith faſt knawledge, that they ar of great power and meanis far, as to Hadingtoun, Dumbar, Dalkeith, or thereby. The ſamin taikeninges to be watched and maid at Eggerhope Cartel, fra they ſee the fire of Hume, that they fire richtſwa. And in like maner, on Sowtra edge fall ſee the fire of Eggerhope Caſtel, & mak taikening in like maner. And then may all Louthiane be warned, and in ſpecial the Caſtel of Edinburgh, and dieir foure fyres to be maid in like maner, that they in Fife, and fra Striviling eaſt, and the eaſt parte of Louthiane, and to Dumbar all may ſee them, and cum to the defenſe of the Realme. And they will not be ſleuthfull themſelfe, for to be warned of thir fyres, they ſall wit of thir cumming over Tweede, and then conſidering that their far paſſage, we ſall god-willing be als ſoone reddie as they, & all people be weſt Edinburgh to draw to Edinburgh, and fra Edinburgh eaſt to Hadingtoun. And all Merchandes of Burrowes to perſew the Eaſt quarter, quhair it paſſis, and at Dumpender-law and North-Berwick-law Bailes to be brunt in forme before written, for warning of the ſeacoaſt. And gif onie Scottiſman dois onie treaſon, that is to ſay, warnis of die ryding of ane hoiſt, or onie Scottiſ-men to do harme in England, or to English-men, and that may openly be knawen upon him, he ſall have furth-with the commoun Law, & be hanged and drawen, and his gudes eſcheit to the King.

49. Of perſones ſclandered or ſuſpect of treaſon.

ITEM, Gif onie perſon or perſones be ſclandered or ſuſpect of treaſon, they ſall be tane and remaine in firmance, and their gudes under ſure Borrowes, quhill the time they have thoiled ane Aſſyſe, quhidder they be quite or foule.

50. That nane paſſe in England in time of weir.

ITEM, That na man paſſe into England without leave of the King, the Wardane, or of them he gives power to, in that part, in time of weir, under the painc of treaſon.

51. That