Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/58

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51. That na Engliſh-man cum in Scotland without conduct.

ITEM, Gif onie Engliſh-man cummis in the Kinrik of Scotland, to Kirk, mercat, or onie uther place, but conduct or aſſrance of the King, the Wardene, or them the power lies, he ſall be lauchfull priſoner to quhat perſon, that likes to take him.

ITEM, Gtf onie Scottiſ-man bring in onie Engliſh-man, or meites them at onie tryſtis, not havand power, they ſall be taken, and put in firmance their gudes taken and arrieſted, to the time that they be puniſhed at the Kinges will and the Wardanes.

ITEM, That na Scottiſ-man fit upon na ſpecial aſſurance of onie Engliſh-man, but leave of the King or the Wardane, under the paine of treaſoune.

52. That na Scottis-man ſupply Berwike or Roxbrugh: Of parting of gudes taken fra the enemies.

ITEM, That na Scottiſ-man ſupplie Berwike nor Roxbrugh with na victual, fewal, nor nane uther ſupportation, under the paine of treaſon. And quhen the Wardane rydis, or ony uther chiftaine, and with him great fellow-ſhip or ſmall, that nane gang awaie with na maner of gudes, quhiil it be thridded and parted before the chieftane, as uſe and cuſtome is of the Marches, under the paine of treaſone, and to be hanged and drawen, and his gudes eſcheit.

55. That na man rieve na maner of gudes nor priſoner.

ITEM, That na man rieve ane uther na maner of gudes, nouther priſoner nor uther, quhilkis they are in poſeſſion of, in Engliſh eird, or in Scottis, under the paine of death.

54. That nane raiſe a fray in the hoſte wilfully.

ITEM, Gif ony man raiſis a fray in the hoiſte in wilfull maner, withouttin cauſe, ſall be accuſed of treaſon.

ITEM, It is ſtatute, that quhair ſa ever any raides are maid in England, that thir ſaid ſtatutes be delivered to the headeſ-men. And that they openly gar them be maid knawin till all them, that paſſis with them, that nane of them may have eſſonzie or excuſation of negligence.

55. Of Garniſones to be layd upon the Bordoures.

ITEM, As tuitching the laying of Garniſones upon the Bordoures: It is adviſed and ordained be our Soveraine Lord and three Eſtaites, that there be laved in Garniſones, that is to ſay, twa hundreth ſpeares, twa hundreth bowes, upon the eaſt and middle Marches: And upon the weſt Marches to be layde ane hundreth ſpeares, and ane hundreth bowes. And for the making and finding of their expenſes, there ſall be foorth-with written letters to all the Schireffes to ſend in write to our Soveraine Lord the names of all and ſundrie the Lordes, Barronnes, and free-halders, alſwell dwelland within the boundes of Regalities, as Royalties, and the availe of ilk man, their landes, rents, poſſeſſiones, and the availe of their mooveable gudes, als near as can be eſteemed. And thereafter the Lords that ſall ſit, after the cumming of the ſaid writtes fra the Schireffes, ſall adviſe how many ilk Lorde and Free-halders ſall finde, quhen and quhair. And they that are neare hand the Bordoures, are ordained to have gud houſhalders and weill abuiizied men, as effeiris. And to be reddie at their principal place, and to paſſe with the Wardanes, quhen and quhair they ſall be charged.