Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/767

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King CHARLES the II.


ACT Concerning Publick Debts.

September 17. 1681.

OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD Conſidering that diverſe Noblemen, Barrens, and Burrowes as well Members of Committees, Commiſſars-General, and their deputs, as others of this Kingdom, during the time of the late troubles, and Rebellion, did give their bonds for ſeveral great ſums of money; Which albeit bearing for Borrowed money, were imployed for the uſe of the Publick, and for ſecurity whereof, the pretended authority for the time, did by Acts of pretended Parliaments, during theſe troubles, bind and oblidge the Eſtates of the Kingdom, towarrand, and relieve the Members of the ſaids Committees, and all other Perſons whatſoever, who had given bonds or ſecurity, for any ſums imployed for the uſe of the Publick, And that upon the reſcinding of theſe pretended Parliaments, HIS MAJESTY and Eſtates of Parliament, after his happy Reſtauration, in Anno 1661, for ſecurity of all ſuch perſons bound in theſe Bonds, did by an Act in that Parliament, ſuſpend all execution, as well Real as Perſonal againſt the ſaids Perſons, or their Heirs upon the foreſaid Bonds, till the next Parliament: AND alſo in the ſubſequent Parliament holden in the year 1669, did continue the foreſaid ſuſpenſion, ay and while the foreſaids Debts ſhould be conſidered in Parliament. AND HIS MAJESTY now Conſidering, that the ſums contained in the ſaids Bonds, granted by the foreſaids perſons, were imployed for the uſe of the Publick, during the time of the ſaid Rebellion, and that the ſaids perſons by the reſcinding of the foreſaids Parliaments, are cut off from the Benefit of any reliefe granted, or contained, in any of the ſaids pretended Acts in their favours. THEREFORE, the King's Majeſty, with advice and conſent of the Eſtates of Parliament, by this preſent ACT, Exoners, and perpetually diſcharges, the ſaids Noblemen, Barons, and Burrowes, and all others granters of the ſaids Bonds, their Heirs, Executors, and Succeſſours, of the ſaids Debts, and Bonds granted thereupon, and of all diligence, Purſute, Action, or Execution thereupon competent, as well Real as Perſonal, bygone or in time coming, And declares them and their foreſaids, quit and free thereof for ever. PROVIDING alwaies that no Perſons ſhall have the Benefit of this Act unleſs they take the Teſt appointed by the ſixth Act of this preſent Parliament. DECLARING that the principal Debitour in theſe Bonds taking the Teſt, the Cautioner ſhall be free, and if the Principal refuſe to take the Teſt the Cautioner taking the ſame, ſhall be free as to his part. EXCEPTING alwaies the Heirs, Executors and Succeſſors of the deceaſed Duke of Rothes late Lord Chancellour, who in Reſpect of his Eminent Loyalty and Service to His Majeſty, are hereby abſolutly exonered and diſcharged of the ſaids Debts, without neceſſity of taking the foreſaid Teſt, upon the account foreſaid allennarly; AND ALSO EXCEPTING Minors who ſhall not be oblidged to take the Teſt upon the foreſaid account, Untill they attain to the years of Majority. And in Regard there were Debts contracted be the Earles of Caſſils and Louthian and others with them in the year 1650, for his Majeſties Service. For which they granted their own Bonds, and which are mentioned in an Act of Parliament paſt in their favours, in the year 1661, HIS MAJESTY with conſent foreſaid Diſcharges all Action and Execution for the ſums contained in theſe Bonds againſt the ſaids Earles and Others, who were bound with them and their Succeſſours, in Reſpct the ſame is a publick Debt, The money having been Borrowed for His Majeſtie's ſervice as ſaid is.


ACT Anent the Trices of French and Spaniſh Salt.

September 17. 1681.

OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD Out of his Princely care to encourage the Manufacturies and other publick Works of this his Ancient Kingdom, and to prevent the Unneceſſary Importation of forreign commodities and the exorbitant prices that may be exacted from the Leiges. THEREFORE His Majeſty with advice and conſent of the Eſtates of Parliament, DOETH Erect and Declare All the Salt-works of his Kingdom to be free and publick Manufacturies: Endowing them, with all the Priviledges, Liberties, and Immunities, granted by Law in favours of any Manufactury, within this Kingdom. HAS ALSO HIS MAJESTY Conſidering that the In-land Salt of this Kingdom, is ſufficient for all other uſes except the curing of Fiſhes, and Beeff exported, And that the forreign Salt which ſhall be imployed for the uſe of the Nation, may be furniſhed at the rates following: THEREFORE His Majeſty with advice and conſent foreſaid, DOTH Statute, and Ordain, That all Importers of French Salt, or Retailers thereof, at the places, or Ports, where the ſame is imported, ſhall not upon any pretence whatſoever, exact more from the Leiges, then Five pounds Scots for the Linlithgow l!
