Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/768

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The Third Parliament of

Boll of French Salt, Including the Forty ſhillings per Boll to his Majeſty for Exciſe: And that Importers and Retailers of Spaniſh Salt, ſhall not exceed ſix pounds for the Linlithgow Boll thereof, including likewiſe the Exciſe, under the penalty of One Hundred pounds Scot, Toties quoties, for each Boll they ſhall ſell above the rates foreſaids, the one half thereof to his Majeſtie's uſe, and the other half to the Diſcoverer, who ſhall have power to purſue the Importers, who ſhall contraveen this Act before the Judges Ordinary. IT IS ALWAIES hereby DECLARED, That this Act mall be but prejudice of His Majeſties Prerogative aſ ſerted by the Twentieth and ſixt Act of the Third Seſſion of His Majeſties firſt Parliament, And that His Majeſty may alter the ſaids rates, upon ſuch occaſions as ſhall ſeem neceſſary to him, In His Royal Wiſdom.


ACT Salvo jure Cujuſlibet.

September 17. 1681.

OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Taking to conſideration, that there be many Acts of Ratifications, and others pair, and made in this Seſ ſion of Parliament, in favours of particular Perſons, without calling, or heating, of ſuch as may be thereby concerned, or prejudged: THEREFORE His Majeſty with advice and conſent of the Eſtates of Parliament, STATUTES, and ORDAINS, That all ſuch particular Acts, and Acts of Ratification paſt in manner foreſaid, ſhall not prejudge any Third party of their lawful Rights, nor of their Actions, and defences competent thereupon, before the making of the ſaids particular Acts, and Acts of Ratification; And that the Lords of Seſſion, and all other Judges of this Kingdom, ſhall be oblidged to Judge betwixt parties, according to their ſeveral Rights ſtanding in their Perſons, before the making of the ſaids Acts: All which are hereby exponed, and declared, to have been made Salvo jure Cujuſlibet. EXCEPTING alwaies, the Act paſt in this preſent Parliament, discharging perſons of bonds given by them in the time of the late Rebellion, for ſums imployed for the uſe of the publick, which is declared to be no wayes comprehended herein.


ACT, Of Adjournment.

September 17. 1681.

THE KING'S MAJESTY, Declares this Parliament Current, and Adjourns the ſame, To the firſt day of March next, One thouſand, ſix Hundreth, eighty and two years. AND ORDAINES all Members of Parliament, to attend that day; And that there be no new Elections, of Commiſ ſioners, from Shires, or Burghs, except upon the death of ſome of the preſent Commiſſioners.

THO: MVRRAT. Cls, Reg.