Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/771

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A Table of the unprinted Acts.

  • Proteſtation His Majeſties Advocat, againſt the ſaids two Proteſtations.
  • Ratification in favours of the Marqueſs of Athoie.
  • Ratification in favours of the Marqueſs of Montroſe.
  • Proteſtation the Earle of Airth, againſt the ſame.
  • Ratification in favours of the Earl of Argyle.
  • Proteſtation by the Earl of Arrol, againſt the ſame.
  • Ratification in favours of the Earl of Perth.
  • Proteſtation by the Marqueſs of Athol, againſt the ſame.
  • Ratification in favours of the Viſcount of Stormount.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Alexander Seton, of Pitmeddin.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Roger Hog, of Harcars.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir George Gordon, of Haddo.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir William Sharp.
  • Ratification in favours of Maſter Alexander Gibſon.
  • Ratifcation in favours of Maſter Alexander Mackeinzie, of Garlearch.
  • Ratification in favours of Andrew Spalding, of Aſhintullie.
  • Proteſtation the Marqueſs of Athol, againſt it.
  • Ratification in favours of David Drumond, of Cultmalindie.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Donald Baine, of Tulloch.
  • Ratification in favours of the Hatmakers , and Walkers of Edinburgh.
  • Ratification in favours of Maſter Roderick Mackeinzie, of Findone.
  • Ratification in favours of William Duff.
  • Ratification in favours of the Laird of Balhouſſie.
  • Ratification in favours of Robert Pringle, of Cliftoun.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir William Ker, of Greinhead.
  • Ratification in favours of George Dollas, of St. Martines.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Archbald Gockburn, of Langtoun.
  • Ratification in favours of the Poor of the Town of Chanrie of Roſs.
  • Ratification in favours of Patrick Smith, of Braco.
  • Ratification in favours of Maſter John Omey.
  • Ratification in favours of Matter Thomas Skeen Advocat.
  • Ratification in favours of David Oliphant of Cultenquhar.
  • Ratification in favours of Matter James Murray, Minister at Logi-rait.
  • Ratification in favours of William Colquhoun of Craigtoun.
  • Ratification in favours of Robert Boyd, of Portoun-croſs.
  • Ratification in favours of Coline Campbel, of Ormadil.
  • Ratification in favours of Maſter Alexander Forbes of Foveran.
  • Ratification in favours of Richard Elphingſtoun, of Airth.
  • Ratification in favours of The Lord Pitſligo.
  • Ratification in favours of the Laird of Skeen.
  • Ratification in favours of Francis Dugat, of Auchinhive.
  • Ratification in favours of the Laird of Streichin.
  • Ratification in favours of the Laird of Ballogie.
  • Ratification in favours of Maſter James Elphingſtoun, Writer to the Signet,
  • Two Ratifications in favours of John Graham, of Claverhous.
  • Ratification in favours of Maſter James Carnegie.
  • Ratification in favours of Matter Patrick Kier.
  • Ratification in favours of Anthony Murray of Dullarie.
  • Ratification in favours of John Brown, of Gorgy-milne.
  • Ratification in favours of Maſter James Brand, of Babertoun.
  • Ratification in favours of Lieutennent Collonel Mayn, Major Ogilthorp, and Captain Cornwal.
  • Ratification in favours of Matter Thomas Innes, and Iames Calder, of Muirtoun.
  • Ratification in favours of the said Iames Calder.
  • Ratification in favours of the Laird of Moncreiff.
  • Ratification in favours of Miſtreſs Griſſel Mercer, Lady Aldie.
  • Ratification in favours of the Marqueſs of Huntlie.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Charles Maitland, of Pitrichie.
  • Proteſtation the Town of Aberdeen, againſt the ſame.
  • Ratification in favours of the Incorporation of the Hammer-men of Edinburgh.
  • Ratification in favours of the Earl of Dumfreis, and Lord Crichtoun.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Iames Dalrymple of Stair, Preſident of the Seſſion.
  • Ratification in favours of the Lord Theſaurer-Deput.
