Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/772

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A Table of the unprinted Acts.

  • Proteſtation by the Town of Dundee, againſt it.
  • Ratification in favours of Mungo Halden, of Glenegies.
  • Ratification in favours of Walter Riddel, of Minto.
  • Ratification in favours of George Gordoun, of Boigs of Dalrey.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir John Schaw, of Greenock.
  • Ratification in favours of the Earle of Arrol.
  • Ratification in favours of the Earle of Queensberrie.
  • Ratification in favours of the Lord Rollo.
  • Two Ratifications in favours of Sir George Mackeinzie, of Rosfehauch, Lord Advocat.
  • Two Ratifications in favours of Sir George Mackeinzie, of Tarbet, and Others.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir David Balfour, of Forret.
  • Ratification in favours of The Lord Register.
  • Ratification in favours of Collonel James Douglas.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir William Paterson, and Matter Patrick Meinzies, Clerks to His Majefties Privy Council.
  • Ratification in favours of His Majesties Smiths, Mason &c.
  • Ratification in favours of William Craik, of Arbigland.
  • Ratification in favours of Robert Ferguson, of Craigdarroch.
  • Ratification in favours of the Incorporation of the Weavers of Glasgow.
  • Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Aberdeen.
  • Proteftation Sir Alexander Seton, of Pitmeddin, in name of the Shire, against it.
  • Ratification in favours of Robert Hamiltoun of Presminen.
  • Ratification in favours of John Johnstoun, of Elisheils.
  • Ratification in favours of James Carnegie, of Balnamoon.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Patrick Houstoun, of that Ilk.
  • Ratification in favours of William Hamiltoun, of Orbistoun.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Patrick Ogilvie, of Boyn.
  • Ratification in favours of some Trades in Dunbarton.
  • Ratification in favours of Robert Milne, of Barntoun.
  • Ratification in favours of William Gordoun, Sherriff-Clerk of Aberdeen.
  • Ratification in favours of Laurence Oliphant, Clerk to the Admission of Nottars.
  • Ratification in favours of the Incorporation, of the Fleshers of Edinburgh.
  • Ratification in favours of Ninian Bannatine, of Kaims.
  • Ratification in favours of the Earle of Roxburgh, and Others.
  • Ratification in favours of John Hamiltoun, of Combardie.
  • Ratification in favours of The Lord Elphingstoun.
  • Ratification in favours of The Burgh of Glasgow.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir William Purves.
  • Ratification of several Acts, and Decreets of His Majesties Privy Council, anent the new buildings, at the entry to the Parliament-House.
  • Ratification in favours of Sir Charles Halket, of Pitfrren.
  • Ratification in favours of The Lord Nairn.
  • Ratification in favours of Iames Seton, of Touch.