Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/775

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Pag. I.




Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND,

By a noble Lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Leſly and Bambreith, &c. His MAJESTIES Commiſſioner:

For a free and voluntar offer of a TAXATION to His MAJESTY.

At Edinburgh, the fourth day of Auguſt, 1665.

THE Eſtates of the Kingdom of Scotland, conveened at this time by His Majeſties ſpecial Authority and Command, Taking to their conſideration the great bleſſings this His Majeſties antient Kingdom doth now enjoy under His Royal Government, being thereby delivered from all the miſeries and bondage that do accompany the Iron Rod of an Inſolent Uſurpation, and poſſeſſed of all the Liberties and Priviledges of a free People, living under the Royal Scepter of their lawfull Prince, and that, by a full and free exerciſe of their Religion, with all ſuitable encouragements thereunto, by an equal and due adminiſtration of Juſtice, and peaceable and ſecure enjoyment of their Laws, Rights and Properties: Do find themſelves oblieged in conſcience, honour and gratitude, to embrace every occaſion, whereby they may witneſs to the world their juſt reſentments thereof, and their readineſs to contribute their lives and fortunes for the maintaining and advancing of His Majeſties Royal Authority, Power and Greatneſs; under the protection whereof, the Peace, Freedom and Intereſt of this Kingdom and Subjects thereof, is, and can only be, ſecured. And underſtanding, that His Sacred Majeſty is now engaged in a War with the Inhabitants of the United Provinces, for the maintenance of His own Honour, and the Peace and Trade of His Kingdoms, and that thereby a new opportunity is offered to them to make good their profeſſions of their zeal and affection to His Majeſties ſervice. Therefore, the Eſtates of the Kingdom, in a due ſenſe of His Majeſties Honour and Intereſt, and of their own duty, Do, with humble, loyal and cheerful hearts, for themſelves, and in name of the whole Kingdom, whom they do repreſent, make humble and free tender to His Majeſty of a Taxation, which they do humbly beſeech His Majeſty would be graciouſly pleaſed to accept of, and which is to be payed in manner, and at the terms following;

That is to fay, the Dukes, Marqueſſes, Earls, Viſcounts, Lords, and Commiſſioners of Shires, for the Temporal Eſtate, Have granted, that there ſhall be uplifted of every Pound-land of old extent within this Kingdom, pertaining to Dukes, Marqueſſes, Earls, Viſcounts, Lords, Barrons and Free-holders, and Fewers of His Majeſties proper Lands, the ſum of fourty ſhillings money, at every one of the five terms following, viz. The ſum of fourty ſhillings at the term of Whitſonday, in the year of GOD, one thouſand, ſix hundred, ſixty ſix years; The ſum of other fourty ſhillings at the term of Whitſonday, one thouſand, ſix hundred, ſixty ſeven years; The ſum of other fourty ſhillings at the term of Whitſonday, one thou-
