Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/776

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Act of the Convention of Eſtates

ſand, ſix hundred, ſixty eight years; The ſum of other fourty ſhillings at the term of Whitſonday, one thouſand, ſix hundred, ſixty nine years; And the ſum of other fourty ſhillings at the term of Whitſonday, one thoufand, ſix hundred, ſeventy years, being the laſt term. And the Archbiſhops and Biſhops , for the Spiritual Eſtate , Have granted, that there ſhall be uplifted of all Archbiſhopricks, Biſhopricks, Abbacies, Priories, and other inferiour Benefices within this Kingdom, at every one of the five terms above-ſpecified, the juſt Taxation thereof proportionally, according to the ſum of fourty ſhillings money, now impoſed upon the Pound-land, as they have been accuſtomed to be taxed unto in all time by-gone, when the Temporal Lands of this Kingdom were ſtinted only to thirty ſhillings the Pound-land of old extent, with the addition of a fourth part more: And the ſame Taxation to be payed at every one of the five terms above-ſpecified. And the Commiſſioners of Burghs, for their Eſtate, Have granted, that there ſhall be uplifted of all the Burghs of this Kingdom, at every one of the five termes above-ſpecified , the juſt Taxation thereof proportionally, according to the ſum of fourty ſhillings money now impoſed upon the Pound-land, as they have been accuſtomed to be taxed unto in all time bygone, when the Temporal Lands of this Kingdom were ſtinted only to thirty ſhillings the Pound-land of old extent, with the addition of a fourth part more, to be payed at the reſpective terms above-written. And in regard, that His Majeſty hath erected ſundry Prelacies, and Temporal Lordſhips, whereby the owners thereof may claim to be taxed with the Barrons of the Temporal Eſtate, and thereby His Majeſty would be defrauded of a great part of the ſaid Taxation: Therefore the ſaids Eſtates Ordain, that all erections of Prelacies and other ſmall Benefices, in whole or in part, in Temporal Lordſhips, ſhall, in payment of the ſaid Taxation, pay to the Collector thereof, ſo much of the ſame Taxation (pro rata) as if they were no wayes erected, and as they were ſubject to do before the erection of the ſame. And ſicklike, it is Statute and Ordained, that all diſolved Benefices within this Kingdom, in whole or in part, ſhall be ſubject in payment of ſo much of the ſame Taxation (pro rata) as they would have been ſubject to pay though the ſame had not been diſſolved: And that thoſe parties, who have gotten any part or portion of any Prelacies, or other inferiour Benefices, diſſolved, and new Securities made unto them by His Majeſty, of that part and portion thereof ſo diſſolved, ſhall be ſubject in payment of the Taxation thereof to the Prelat or other beneficed Perſon, for his relief of the ſame Taxation, as they would have been ſo the ſame had not been diſſolved; notwithſtanding of any condition contained in the Infeſtments and Securities made by His Majeſty to them in the contrary thereof.

And further, His Majeſty, with advice and conſent of the ſaid Eſtates, Declares, that the Lands and Teinds, belonging in property to the ordinary Lords of the Seſſion, the Advocats, Clerks, Writers to the Signet, and other Members of the Colledge of Juſtice, and all few duties payable to them out of the Lands whereof they are Superiours; all Benefices given, diſponed and mortified, for entertainment of Univerſities, Colledges, Schools or Hoſpitals (the Vaſſals holding of the ſaids ordinary Lords of the Seſſion, and other Members of the Colledge of Juſtice, and of the ſaid Univerſities, Colledges, Schools and Hoſpitals, being alwayes lyable in payment of this Taxation, for their Lands ſo holden, as others of His Majeſties Subjects) all modified Stipends, and Vicarages where they are a part of the ſaid modified Stipend; all Parſonages, Vicarages belonging to Miniſters ſerving the Cure, where the ſaid Parſonages and Vicarages do not exceed the value appointed by the Acts of Parliament for a modified Stipend, are, and ſhall be free from payment of any part of this preſent Taxation; And diſcharges and diſannuls all Priviledges and Immunities, whereby any perſon may conceive himſelf free of the payment of any part of this preſent Taxation, except as above excepted. And Ordains the ſaids Senators of the Colledge of Juſtice, and other Members thereof, and the perſons, in whoſe favours any Lands, Teinds or Superiorities have been given, diſponed and mortified, for entertainment of Univerſities, Colledges, Schools or Hoſpitals, to ſend in to the Collector-general of the Taxation, or Clerk thereof, a note under their hands, threeſcore dayes before the firſt terms payment of this Taxation, of the Lands, Teinds, and Few-duties belonging to them, as ſaid is, within what Shire they lie; and if they be Kirk-lands, what Benefice they hold of. And alſo Ordains, the Archbiſhops and Biſhops, to ſend in to the ſaid Collector or Clerk, betwixt and the time foreſaid, a note under their hands, of the Parſonages and Vicarages belonging to Miniſters ſerving the Cure within their reſpective Dioceſſes, which do not exceed the proportion allowed by the Acts of Parliament for a modified Stipend.

And for the more ſpeedy and effectual in-bringing of the Spiritual Mens part of this ſaid Taxation, Ordains Letters to be directed as formerly, charging all and ſundry Archbiſhops and Biſhops, Abbots, Priors; as likewayes all Noblemen and others, in whoſe favours the erection of any Prelacy or other inferiour Benefice, or any part or portion thereof, be it in Lands, Kirks or Teinds, or in whole favours the Patronage of any Benefice, Kirks or Teinds, are paſt; And all other beneficed Perſons contained in the taxed Rols, their heretable Baillies, Chamberlains, Factors and Intrometters with their Rents and Livings, perſonally or at their dwelling places, and by open Proclamation at the Mercat-Croſſes of the head Burghs of the Sheriffdoms, Stewartries and Bailleries, where the ſaid Prelacies, erected Lordſhips, and ſmall Benefices lyes, if they be within this Kingdom: And if they be without the Kingdom, by open Proclamation, at the Mercat-Croſs of Edinburgh, Peir and Shore of Leith, upon threeſcore dayes warning, to make payment of that ſum, that they, and ilk one of them, are taxed unto, for every one of the ſaids five terms, to the Collector-general of the ſaid Taxation, appointed, or to be appointed by His Majeſty, or His Deputies and Officers in His Name, having His Power and Commiſſion to receive the ſame, at the particular terms above-written, under
