Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/782

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Act of the Convention of Eſtates

The Sheriffdom of Edinburgh, the ſum of three thouſand, one hundred, eighty three pounds, and eight ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Haddington, the ſum of two thouſand, ſeven hundred, eighty two pounds, and ſix ſhillings.
The Sheriffdom of Berwick, the ſum of two thouſand, eight hundred, thirteen pounds, and one ſhilling.
The Sheriffdom of Roxburgh, the ſum of three thouſand, ſix hundred, eighty ſix pounds, ſeventeen ſhillings, and ſix pennies.
The Sheriffdom of Selkirk, the ſum of nine hundred, four pounds, and nine ſhillings.
The Sheriffdom of Peebles, the ſum of one thouſand, fourty two pounds, and eight ſhillings.
The Sheriffdom of Lanerk, the ſum of three thouſand, ninety one pounds, and twelve ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Dumfreis, the ſum of two thouſand, ſeven hundred, twelve pounds, and ſeventeen ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Wigton, and Stew of Kirk, two thouſand, ſix hundred, ſeventy nine pounds, and ſix ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Air, the ſum of three thouſand, eight hundred, ſeventy pounds, and five ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Dumbarton, the ſum of ſeven hundred, ſixty four pounds, and ten ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Bute, the ſum of three hundred, eight pounds, eight ſhiliings, and three pennies.
The Sheriffdom of Renfrew, the ſum of one thouſand, three hundred, fifty three pounds, and ſeven ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Striviling, the ſum of one thouſand, ſeven hundred, fifty four pounds, four ſhiliings and ſix pennies
The Sheriffdom of Linlithgow, the ſum of one thouſand, one hundred, ſixty nine pounds, and eighteen ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Perth, the ſum of five thouſand, thirty eight pounds, and fourteen ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Kincardine, the ſum of nine hundred, eighty four pounds, and one ſhilling:
The Sheriffdom of Aberdeen, the ſum of four thouſand, ſeventy ſeven pounds, and nineteen ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Inverneſs and Roſs, the ſum of two thouſand, five hundred, ninety pounds, and nineteen ſhiliings, to be proportioned and divided betwixt them, according to the diviſion , in the year, one thouſand, ſix hundred, and ſixty.
The Sheriffdom of Nairn, the ſum of two hundred, ſeventy ſeven pounds, and ſixteen ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Cromarty, the ſum of ſixty eight pounds, and five ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Argyle, the ſum of one thouſand, nine hundred, fourty ſeven pounds, ten ſhillings, and nine pennies.
The Sheriffdom of Fife and Kinroſs, the ſum of five thouſand, one hundred, ſeventy two pounds.
The Sheriffdom of Forfar, the ſum of three thouſand, two hundred, ſeventy three pounds, and fifteen ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Bamff, the ſum of one thouſand, one hundred, fifty pounds, and four ſhillings.
The Sheriffdom of Sutherland, the ſum of three hundred, thirty ſix pounds.
The Sheriffdom of Caithneſs, the ſum of five hundred, ninety nine pounds, and five ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Elgine, the ſum of one thouſand, fifty nine pounds, and five ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Orkney and Zetland, the ſum of one thouſand, eighty eight pounds, and ten ſhiliings.
The Sheriffdom of Clackmannan, the ſum of three hundred, fifty two pounds, ſeven ſhiliings, and three pennies.

B V R G H S.

The City of Edinburgh, the ſum of four thouſand, three hundred, and twenty pounds.
The Burgh of Perth, the ſum of four hundred, and eighty pounds.
The Burgh of Dundee, the ſum of eight hundred, and fourty pounds.
The Burgh of Aberdeen, the ſum of eight hundred pounds.
The Burgh of Striviling, the ſum of one hundred, thirty two pounds.
The Burgh of Linlithgow, the ſum of two hundred, and ſixteen pounds.
The City of S. Andrews, the ſum of three hundred & twenty ſix pounds.
The City of Glaſgow, the ſum of ſeven hundred and eighty pounds.
The Burgh of Air, the ſum of one hundred, ſixty eight pounds.
The Burgh of Haddingtoun, the ſum of two hundred, & ſixteen pounds.
The Burgh of Dyſert, the ſum of one hundred, ſixty eight pounds.
The Burgh of Kirkaldy, the ſum of two hundred, eighty eight pounds.
The Burgh of Monroſe, the ſum of two hundred, and fourty pounds.
The Burgh of Cowper, the ſum of one hundred, thirty two pounds.
The Burgh of Anſtruther Eaſter, the ſum of ninety ſix pounds.
The Burgh of Dumfreis, the ſum of two hundred pounds.