Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/783

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Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND.

The Burgh of Tnverneſs, the ſum of two hundred, ſixty four pounds.
The Burgh of Burnt-Iſland, the ſum of one hundred, thirty two pounds.
The Burgh of Innerkeithen, the ſum of ſixty pounds.
The Burgh of Kinghorn, the ſum of fifty four pounds.
The Burgh of Brechen, the ſum of ſeventy two pounds.
The Burgh of Irwin, the ſum of one hundred, and twenty pounds.
The Burgh of Iedburgh, the ſum of one hundred, and eight pounds.
The Burgh of Kirkcudbright, the ſum of ninety ſix pounds.
The Burgh of Wigton, the ſum of eighty four pounds.
The Burgh of Pettenweem, the ſum of eighty pounds.
The Burgh of Dumfermling, the ſum of one hundred, and two pounds.
The Burgh of Anſtruther Weſter, the ſum of thirty fix pounds.
The Burgh of Selkirk, the ſum of fourſcore pounds.
The Burgh of Dumbarton, the ſum of ſeventy two pounds.
The Burgh of Renfrew, the ſum of fourty eight pounds.
The Burgh of Dumbar, the ſum of one hundred, thirty two pounds.
The Burgh of Lanerk, the ſum of ſeventy two pounds.
The Burgh of Arbroth, the ſum of fifty four pounds.
The Burgh of Elgin, the ſum of eighty pounds.
The Burgh of Peebles, the ſum of ſixty pounds.
The Burgh of Creel, the ſum of one hundred, thirty two pounds.
The Burgh of Tayne, the ſum of ſixty pounds.
The Burgh of Culroſs, the ſum of fifty four pounds.
The Burgh of Bamff, the ſum of fourty pounds.
The Burgh of Whitburn, the ſum of twenty four pounds.
The Burgh of Forfar, the ſum of twenty four pounds.
The Burgh of Rotheſay, the ſum of thirty fix pounds.
The Burgh of Nairne, the ſum of twenty four pounds.
The Burgh of Forras, the ſum of thirty fix pounds.
The Burgh of Rutherglen, the ſum of twenty four pounds.
The Burgh of Horth-berwick, the ſum of twenty four pounds.
The Burgh of Cullen, the ſum of eighteen pounds.
The Burgh of Lawder, the ſum of fourty two pounds.
The Burgh of Kintore, the ſum of twelve pounds.
The Burgh of Kilreny, the fum of eighteen pounds.
The Burgh of Annan, the ſum of twelve pounds.
The Burgh of Lochmaben, the ſum of twelve pounds.
The Burgh of Sanquhar, the ſum of twelve pounds.
The Burgh of Galloway, the ſum of ſix pounds.
The Burgh of Dingwall, the ſum of twelve pounds.
The Burgh of Dornoch, the ſum of eighteen pounds.
The Burgh of Queens-Ferry, the ſum of fifty four pounds.
The Burgh of Forteroſe, the ſum of thirty pounds.
The Burgh of Cromartie, the ſum of thirty pounds.
The Burgh of Inverurie, the ſum of eighteen pounds.
The Burgh of Weik, the ſum of twenty pounds.

AND that they pay in the ſame to ſuch as His Majeſty ſhall appoint, at the terms following; To wit, betwixt and the firſt day of May, for the Moneths of January, February and March; Betwixt and the firſt day of Auguſt, for the Moneths of April, May and June; Betwixt and the firſt day of November, for the Moneths of July, Auguſt and September; And betwixt and the firſt day of February, one thouſand, ſix hundred ſixty eight years, for the Moneths of October, November and December. And it is hereby Declared, That all perſons having real Eſtates of Lands, Teinds, Annual rents due by Infeſtments, Few-duties, Tack-duties, and others of that nature, are, and ſhall be lyable to the foreſaid ſupply, unleſs the granters of the ſaids Rights be oblidged to relieve the receivers thereof of publick Burdens, and all other Impoſitions of this nature. Excepting alwayes ſuch real Rights and Infeſtments of Annual rents as are ſecured to the Creditors by their Debitors, for which they have only their ordinary Annual rent free, which are hereby declared not to be lyable to any part of this ſupply: Excepting alſo all Rents belonging to Colledges and Hoſpitals providing this exemption of Colledges and Hoſpitals ſhall not burden the Shires for any Rent mortified to them ſince the year, one thouſand, ſix hundred, fifty ſix. And to the effect this ſupply ſo cheerfully offered to His Majeſty by His good Subjects, may be equally and juſtly laid on, proportioned and raiſed upon all perſons lyable, and who have any real Rent in Lands, Teinds, or other wayes within the ſaidShires