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7)e verborum Jignificatione.

The Soytour itntawts the Abfentu.

Ealfing of tiotmes.



xAne charter conteining an reverpon.and terling mi- ngy.

fenfed, theSerjand thereof fall call the foytes, and defalt the abfentes, thatar nochtlauchfullieeffoinzied: Andgarane Soytour of the courte, deemetheminaneun-law, withtheconfentof his lellowes and Collie- ges. Mod. ten. cur.c. i. Be the auld law of this Realme,and a£tes ofParlia- ment. Iam.4. p.6.c.95. Doomes and decreetes given and pronunced be Soytoures, in ane inferiour court, wasfalfified and reduced in anefupe- riour court; astheprocefle of brieves wrangeouflie deduced in barron courte, wasfalfified in ane Schireffe courte, and doomes given in the Schireff court; wasfalfified in the juftice court. Lib. 2- c.Dosduobus. 19. And laft of all, doomes pronunced in the juftice Court,was falfified in Par- !iamenr,before theLordes, called ^iuditores querelarum,\n this maner con- teined in the regifter. 7. Oftober. 1476. Datum judicium infra-fcrip- tum, per os ^ilexandri Dempfter judiciarij Varliamenti, in pnefentia Sere- ■niftimi Frinc'ipis lacobi tertii. S- D. N. Regis, cum corona in capitefuo C fceptro inmanu.fedent- in Cathedra Iaftici l'arliamenti,fub hacforma:The Lords chofen be the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, upon difcuf- fing of the doomes, deliverisand declaris, that the doome given in the ju- ftice aire of Edmburgh.the xij.of Iulij laft by-paft,be the mouth oi^4ndrew Slackfurd foytour, For the Lands of N. for Iobn N. and lonet N. his fpoufe, andagaine called be David Balfoure oiCaraldfloun, fore-fpea- ker for ^rchebald N. was evill given, and weill againe faid: For diverfe reafones fchawenand underftand to the faidis Lordes: And therefore ilk foytourof the faide doome, and their lordes, ilk man be him-felfe, is in ane ammerciament of the courte of Parliamente, fikas effeiris to be ta- ken in the juftice aire; and inane unlaw of the faid juftice aire forthem; And in ane unlaw of Parliament amangft them all, fik as effeiris of Lawej and this I give for doome. Swait ismanifeft, that in all courtes inferi- ourto the Parliament, the foytoures pronunced the doome. And gif the doome given be them in ane Barronne courte, wasfalfified in the Schireffe courte: All the foytoures payed botane unlaw. Bot gif the doome given be them in the Schireffe courte, was falfified in the juftice courte, ilk foytour payed ane unlaw often poundes, of the quhilk diverfitie, the reafon is conteined in. Qponiam attach, c. quilibet. 7.

SOKMANRIA, Or Socage, Is ane kind of halding of Landes, quhen ony man is infeft freelie, without ony fervice, warde, relieve, or marriage, and payis to his Maifter fik dewtie, as is called, petit feriantie : Orquhen ane haldis his Landes in name of Burgage, or in Libera Elee- mofyna. de Maritag-Cap- 1. Soccomannus, is called anevaffall, orFree- halder,quha haldis his Landes in maner fore-faide: or in blench-ferme,/foe nomine albtefirma-.Etopponiturmilith qui tenet per fervitiummilitare:That is, be fervice ofwarde and relieve. Lib.2. Cap.Siquisplures. 30. Cap.Et h AndinMdgna Carta of England. ^4nno. $1. Henr.i.cap. 27. Mention is maid of findrie formes of halding. Vi\. Free-ferme, burgage, foccage, and Knicht-fervice. Read the ftatute maid be Edward the Firft, King of England, thexviij. zeireof hisreigne. Utherisalleagis that Soc«- gium, cummis fra Socco, five ^iratro, affirming that Socage, isproperlie, quhen the tennent is bound and oblifhed, to cum with his pleuch to teill and labour ane partoftheLordislandes. Concerning tenures, and divers halding of lands, reade thetreatife written be Littleton.

STALLANGIATORES, Aftallo, Creamers, or Forraine mer- chandes, quha within Burgh, in the time of Faire or mercat, payis cer- taine dewtie for their ftall or ftande, in the quhilk place they fell their merchandice: For it is ordained, that ilk ftranger fall either agree with theProveftof the Burgh, in the beftform ashe may.-orelfeilk mercat daye, fall paye to him ane halfe-pennie. Lc%. Burg cap. Qjtilibet. 39. And in the auld forme of cuftomes , It is called the ftallangeofthe mercate. And Leg. Burg. MercenariusAo. It is called Stallum,ot Botha in Toro.

STINGISDINT, Leg. Burg.c.Sciendum efl. 9. Ane dint or ftraike with ane fting or Batton: In Latine, Fufligatio.

STERLINGUS, Eft genus ponderis, ane kinde of weicht conteining threttie twa cornes, or graines of fiuheate, Vt in ^ijfifa Reg. Da. de ponderibus c menfuris. And in the Cannon law, mention is maid of five fhillinges fterling, and of ane marke fterling. c. 3 de ^rbitris.c. Cor.ftituit. 1 2 deprocuratoribus. And the fterling pennie is fwa called jbecaufe it weyis fa mony graines, as I have findrie times proven be experience. And be the Law of England, the pennie, quhilk iscalled the fterling, round, and without clipping, weyis threttie twa graines of Quheat, without failles, quhairoftwentiemakis ane ounce; and twelve ouncesmakis ane pundj andaucht pound, makis ane galloune of wine; and aticht gallounes, makisane bufchellof London, quhilk is the aucht part of ane quarter.

  • 4nno 17. Edward, 2.c. 10. The quhilk cunzie, was aieikle ufed within

this realme; as is maniefeft be auld Charters and evidentes. For the fex- teenth daye of^uguft, the zeire of God, 1395. Walterus Senefcalli, Do- minus deRalfton, Vtcecomes de Perth, impignoravt, Necnon nomine pig- rtoris dedit, CV concefiit Nobili &• potenti Dn.Dom. Roberto, Comiti de fife &> Menteith, tot am et integram Baroniam fuam de N- producentis marcis fterlingorum monete Scotta\,ipfipereun Jem Comitem mutuatis, (S" prm mani- bus plenarie perfolutis .Tenent . 07" habent- ipfi Comiti, C h.eredibusfuis, de DomiiwRegecc- Quottfq, diBus Walterus Senefcalli, aut h fui.praja- to Domino Comiti, velfuishxredibus, ducentas mercas Oerlingorum moneta Scotia? vnodie, inter folis ortum ey occafum, inEcclefia Parochiali, de V.perfolvtrit, velperjolverint. Etprzterea d.Bus Valterus omnes firmas, reditus,comoditntes,&'proftcua,dediBxBaronia,medio tempore provenient. dedit ey concefftt, profe C btredibus fuis, prxditlo domino Comiti, e>* hieredibusfuis,proftto conftliobono, ipfiimpenfo, er impendendo. Faciendo inde annmtim, pradiBus Comes C hteredes fui, Domino Regi fervitia 'debita C confueta.

The quhilk Charter conteinis the reverfion, and alfo ane donation of theprofites of the lands, quhilkis were wad-fet, conforme to the praftic-

que ufed and obferved unto the time of King lames the Third, of gude memorie- vid. Regres-

SUBVASSORES, Subvaluaffbres, bafe halders, or inferioure halders, fpeciallie , they quha haldis their Landes of Knichtcs. leg. Male. Mah, c.4. Quoniam attachiamenta cap St aliquis 49. 4f. Reg. David: c.Statuit. 8. Qjihair it is ordained, that ilk perfon, quha is accufed cri- minallie, fall bee judged be his Peere, orSuperioure incftateand digni- tie.


TAYNT.w'ifeAttaynt. TENEMENTUM, Is commonlie taken for the propertie of onie landes, Or immoveable gudes within Burgh, or without the famin. Lib.2. cap. Dos duobus 19, capit. fieri autem.6j- Liber umtenementum. And the fuperiour fulde not have the Warde of the tenement perteining to his vaflal being Minor : Nor can crave na fervice nor relieve fra him, being Minor or Major, except he firft receive his homage. Lib. 2. cap. TrtdiBis. 60. In the quhilk fignification, it is commounlie ufed in the Lawes ofEngland.

TERR./E Dominicales, Ane worde commounlie ufed in Charters 8c infeftments, quhilkis ar called ane Maines, or demaine lands laboured and occupied be the Lord, and proprietar of the famin: from the French worde, Domaine, Domanium, or Demanium : fiuhilk worde properlie fignifies the Kingis Landes perteining to him in propertie. Quiz domani- um definitur Mud quod nominatim confecratum eft, unitum et incorporatum Regit: Coronte, utfcribitChopinusdedomanioFranciee. Tit. 2. perl. Sj quando 3.C, debon.vacant.Lib. 10. EtMattheus de afjliBis inConftitut, SicilU. Lib.i.Tit. de locatione demanij % 2. quhilk may be called, Bonn ineorporata, et in corpus fifci redaBa.

THANUS, isanenameofdignitie, andappearistobeequaUwiththe Sonne of ane Earle. For t£e Cro of the ane,and the uther is alike. Lib. 4. c. Siquiscalumnietur. 28. ftatuit-64- -4nd Thanus was ane Freehalder, halding his landes of the King. Quoniam attach, c Recordati». 6s.-4]freg. Da. c. Recordatio. jy.ftat- Jle%. c. Recordatio. 26. And gif ane man not ta- ken with the fange, is accufed of thieft, and na fufficient probation is de- duced againft him; he fuld purge him be the aith of twentie feven men, or of three Thanes. Lib- 4. c. Siquiscalumnietur- 28. Thanagi- um Regis, fignifies ane certaine part of the Kingis landes or propertie, quhairof the rule and government perteinis to him : quha therefore is cal- led Thanus. For Domania Regis, et Thctnagia Regis idemfignificant. ^iff. reg.Da.c.ftatmtDominus 38. It is ane Dutch word, for teiner fignifies ane fervand , and teinen to ferve : .^nd Thane is likewife ane fervant, and unttr Thane ane inferiour fervand or fubjeft. Vid. Leg. Britonum xw« bo Thanus.

THEME lib.t.Ci. is power to have fervandes and flaves, quhilk are called nativi, bondi, villani, and all Barronnes infeft with Theme, hes the fame power : For unto them all their bond-men,their bairnes, gudes and geare properlie perteinis, fwa that they may difpone there-upon at their pleafure. lib.2- c. Confequenter 13. cum feqq. 4na\ in fum aulde authentick buikes it is written, Theme eft potejlas habendi nativos, ita quodgenerationes Villanorum ■veftrerum, cum eorum catallis, ubicunque inveniantur, advospertineant. Theme xummisfra than , id eft, fervus, and therefore fum times fignifies the bond-men and flaves , conforme to an aulde ftatute, and law. De curia de Theme. Quod fiquis teneat curiam de Theme, et ilia querela in ilia curia movetitr , ad quern theme vocantur; non debet ilia curia elongari, fed ibidem determinari, et omnes Themi ibi compareant- fl,uhilk is underftand of the queftioun of libertie, quhen it is in doubt, quhidder onie perfon is ane bond-man, or free-man : Quhilk kinde of proces fuld not be delaied. bot fummarlic decided- fiuhairof their is twa kindes: for either ane free man is alleaged to be ane fervand andflave,oranequha is in fcrvitude, defiris to be maid free, and put to libertie. diB. Cap. 1 3 . Cap . 14.

THIFT-BOTE, vide Bote.

TIMBRELLUM, Tumbrellunt, ane Ainde of torment; as flocks, or iogges. quhair-withcraftf-men, fik asbrowftersarpunifhed. Leg. Burg, cap. Si aliquis 2 1- Quhair it is called, Caftigatorium,

TOLLI/'A. l.Cap. 3. Cuftome, from the Greeke worde of the famin fignification Telos, He quha is infeft with Toll, is cuftome free, and payis na cuftomej fiuhilk is maniefeft be findrie auld Buikes, quhairin it is writ- ten. To!/. he. Q_uod vos C homines veftri, de toto homagio veflrofint qui- eti de omnibus mercantiis, cy detolneto de omnibus rebus emptis c vendi- tis.

Mair-over, all Earles, Barronnes, Knichts, vaffalles, life-renters, Free- halders, and all quha hes landes Nomine elecmofyna-, fuld be quite and free, fra paymente of Toll and cuftome within Burgh; in bying meate and Claith, and uther neceflair thinges to their awin proper ufe. Bot gif ony of them be commoun merchandes, they fuld paye tholl and cuftome; Albeit they have als greate libertie, as Barronnes. Dejudic.cap. 3. Leg. Foreft. cap.cap.Comites. 1 3. And in the auld Britton Lawes of King Edwarde , It is written. Thoill, quod nos dicimus Tholoneum, eft qubdita infeodatus, habeat libertatem emendi c vendendi in terra fua.

TORRAL1UM, Thoralium, a torrendo, is called ane Kill, quhair cornes ardryed. Leg.Burg.c.Siquis- 53 .De combuftione domus aut torralii, of the burning of the houfe or Kill. Gifane fervand burne rakleflie thy houfe, Kill; or neichtboures houfes adjacent: He fuld not bee punifhed, bottinis his fervice: Bot gif ony manhirisane Kill, and it burne, he fall paye bot the hire. Bot gif he borrowis it, and it burne; he fall paye the valure of it, to the partie skaithed: vide lam. 1. Parlia4. Cap. 7 1 . Cum




Curia dc Them, id elf, de nativii, feu Scroti.